chapter thirteen

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Eddie signaled SOS through the lamp and it worked, Dustin decrypted it. The two groups on each version of the world went up to Nancy's room to exchange information through a lite-brite screen. There was a gate at every murder site, which meant that you had to go seven miles to get to the nearest one at Eddie's place. You each grabbed a bike and started racing down the abandoned roads. 

The adrenaline rush made it possible to keep up the high speed although you felt your legs burn and your lungs screamed for air. A screech made you all turn your faces up to the sky, it was one of those bats sitting on a streetlight. Oh no.

"Shit!" Robin exclaimed as the bat pounced. It tried to grasp her hair and she almost steered her bike into the ditch. She half jumped off, half fell off, waving her hands above her head. You stopped to help her and grabbed a branch from the roadside and swung at the creature. It let go of Robin and she got to her feet to grab her bike again.

The bat regained control of its body and made a u-turn. You motioned with the branch in the air but it ignored your threats. You hit it again and it was knocked to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" Nancy yowled and you turned around to see another one coming for you. Steve snatched its tail to try to stop it but it just attacked him instead. 

"Fuck!" You couldn't get a clear shot at it without the risk of hurting Steve even more, so you dropped the branch to grab it with your hands. 

Eddie joined you and managed to tear it off him. He bashed it against the solid ground and it seemed to die from the hard hit. The first bat was on the other hand not dead. It shrieked before it charged Eddie. You picked up the branch again to hit it with all your strength and it crashed to the concrete. Eddie quickly put his foot on it for you to finish the job and crush its ribcage with the branch. You looked away and let out a whimper as you did so.

"Fucking hell.." you whined, feeling sick to your stomach. "I know that they're like, evil, but it still feels so bad to hurt them." 

Steve softly hit your shoulder with a closed fist. "Badass." He whispered as he went to get his bike again. But that wasn't all of the bats, more were coming in the distance. 

"Oh no! Should we make a run for it?" Robin stuttered as you all started to pick up speed again.

"We're soon there." Eddie replied.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" You shouted as a bat closed in on you. "Dude, come on!"

Steve sighed. "Nancy, (Y/N), Robin, go meet up with Dustin and the rest. We'll fight them off."

"That's sexist." You stated. 

"Not the time!!" Steve muttered back. 

"I am so going to fall off-" You yelped as you felt the wind from the bat's wings over your head. You stopped abruptly to find a new weapon by the roadside but you were too late. You covered your head with your arms, waiting for the attack, just to realize that Eddie already had grabbed a branch and hit it so hard that it struck to the ground with a howl. 

"You good?" He asked and you nodded. You looked up to see that Steve was busy fighting one with his bare hands when the air was knocked out of you as another bat shoved you from behind. The force pushed you onto Eddie making you both fall with you on top. You sat up on his lower belly and took the branch from his hand to knock the bat out when it came to pounce again. You panted for a moment before looking down at him, still sitting on him with your knees on each side of his hips.

"I could get used to this." Eddie said. 

"Shit, sorry." You realized the position you two were in and was on your way to stand up when he reached for your neck to stop you and pull you back. You gulped and felt your cheeks burn as you maintained eye contact. You were totally about to kiss. Oh god. Did you want to do this? yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely - wait no, wait what? You leaned forward for your lips to meet his, but was cut off by Steve's loud yowl. He was wrestling a bat on the ground. You instantly rose to your feet and rushed over to him to finish it off. 

"I hate this." You gasped for air.

Steve tapped your shoulder, "Thanks, (Y/N), come on now, let's go." 

Nancy and Robin were waiting at the dark and quiet trailer park. "Right here." Eddie pointed to a familiar trailer and you dropped your bikes outside.

"That's gotta be a Guinness World Record. Most miles travelled interdimensionally." Robin panted. 

"Just inhaled a bunch of that crap," Steve coughed, "It's stuck in my throat."

Eddie opened the door and you followed tightly behind him. And yeah, there it was; another gate. It was placed up in the ceiling with an eldritch thrumming.

"This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died." Of course it was difficult for Eddie to relive the trauma. Oh, Chrissy. You leaned against his side to show some sort of sympathy since you both had experienced horrible things this last week. At least this gate indicated that you were closer to some sort of solution. 

"I think there's something in there." Robin whispered. Something was trying to push trough the membrane from the other side. 

"What the hell is that?" Eddie furrowed his brows. 

The shadow on the other side popped through the surface, causing wet slimy matter to fall down on the floor in front of you with a gross gurgling sound. You yelped and hopped backwards by surprise, once again leaning against the safety of Eddie. The fact that you two almost kissed earlier was totally not important right now but you could feel his breath in your neck while you all slowly walked closer to the gate.

It was Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erica! They were upside down - but it was definitely them! You waved at each other. 

"Holy shit, this is trippy." 

The guys on the other side placed a mattress under the crack for you to land softly.

It was noticeably stained..

"... Those stains are, uh... I dunno what those stains are." Eddie swallowed.

"Mhm.." Robin nodded her head ironically and sucked her teeth. 

You instantly remembered Eddie's comment a few days earlier when he said something about what usually happened when he took girls home.. oh... ick.. oh god.. the scarf in his back pocket and the handcuffs on his wall.. You couldn't help but snort in awkward amusement. He let out a silent groan. 
(did you know that the black handkerchief in his back pocket apparently stands for lgbtq s&m top?.. he's indeed a very kinky girl like someone commented earlier 😭) 

The guys on the other side tossed up a make-shift rope made out of bedsheets which unraveled down in the Upside Down, defying the laws of gravity. 

"Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin said as she grabbed the rope to pull herself up. Dustin, Lucas, Max and Erica cleared the landing pad for her to fall freely from the ceiling. 

"Go on, (Y/N)." Eddie ordered and you took a deep breath before doing so. You hauled your weight upwards, feeling the gravity pull at your hair and head through the barrier. It was the craziest feeling when it all of a sudden shifted and dropped you down on the mattress on the other side.

"Dude, that was fun." You and Robin let out a laugh of relief. You got off the mattress as quickly as you could(...) to give space for Eddie.

"That... was fun." He chuckled lightly, "Shit." Dustin grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the floor to hug him. "Calm down, Henderson."

You looked up to see that it was Nancy's turn. So why didn't she move?

yall i dont think it is possible to update this until July 1 lol 
sorry you didnt get to kiss him for the entire season 😀😀😀
would you want me to do another fanfic with some stranger things
or what are they called, like one on one shots? 
im sorry for the long epic fighting scenes and me using the same words over and over, repeating myself,
but the only reason was to have y/n sit on him okay 

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