chapter seven

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The boy in front of you did not respond. No acknowledgement of your existence. Was he trying to... kill himself by standing out here or..? Maybe he was just confused?

"Are you okay?" you shouted. No feedback. You honked before continuing, "Hey uhm, get in the car and I'll drive you home, okay?... Hello?" 

The man stood completely still, not moving an inch. You stuck your head out the car window and tilted your head slightly. You didn't really know what to say or how to react, "I think we both might be having a bad night, so-" 

You stopped mid sentence as his body started levitating. Levitating. Your jaw slowly dropped. This all had to be some twisted fucking nightmare. Or was it a terrifying prank? You held your breath as the boy hung in the air. You had to be imagining all of this. What in the world was going on?

You tried to whisper "What the fuck", but no sound came out of your gaping mouth. Suddenly, the boy's entire body froze in tension and his head turned to face the night sky. His limbs started to snap in front of you. Straight up snap. The popping sound was gruesome. You instinctively screamed as loud as you could while covering your eyes with your hands. 


His broken body laid limp on the ground. Quiet. Lifeless. 

You gasped for air while you put one hand on the gear shift and one hand on the wheel to turn around and race back to Lovers Lake. 

Steve's car was no where to be seen on the hideout property. 
"Oh, no, no, no." You begged as you bounced out of your car and hurried over to the building by the water. You opened the door just to stare into an empty dark room with an open view of Lovers Lake in front of you. You slammed the door behind you with frustration. They were gone. A gnawing feeling radiated from your guts. You did not want to get in your car again but you did not want to be out here alone either. 

You were suddenly pushed against the door behind you. It didn't hurt or anything, just startled you. "Eddie!" You sounded more relieved than frightened. 

"Why are you here? What did you do?" he asked with a sharp tone as he had grabbed your jacket's shoulders in an intimidating manner.  

"I promise I haven't told the cops-"

"What are you doing here?" 

"Chill, chill, chill, just let go of me-"

"What are you doing here?"

You lifted your chin to look up at him. He must've noticed your bloodshot eyes when your gazes met cause he let go of his grip. He shifted his hands to place them on the door behind you instead, still keeping you locked between his arms in front of him, slightly leaning over you. "What's going on? Have you been crying?" 

You took a deep breath, then dodged under his left arm to get away from him. He watched as you sat down and rested your back against the cold steel shed wall behind you. The interaction with Eddie had really made your heart pound loudly in your ears. 

"What's going on?" He repeated with a remarkably softer voice. "I'm, uh, sorry for scaring you." 

"Where is everyone?"

"They left after you did. Headed home. They'll return tomorrow, early in the morning. I'm, uh, well,  paranoid as fuck. Sorry." 

"Believe me, I have never been so relieved to have someone threatening me." You joked, and Eddie forced a chuckle. Your breath was still shaking as you tried to explain how you had been on your way to the trailer park to inform the cops about his location. Your voice turned dry as you went on about the poor Hawkins student in the middle of the road who prevented you from reaching the trailer park. You tried to explain what had happened to his body with as little detail as possible.

"I literally don't know if this is some sort of dream, or if I'm hallucinating all of this, or-"

"I wish. So the same thing happened again?" Eddie sat down beside you. "I'm sorry you had to see it." The empathy in his voice was factual, he had witnessed the same thing with Chrissy and understood the sheer horror you tried to put into words. 

"I'm sorry for not believing you. And sorry for almost ratting you out." 

"Don't apologize - I wouldn't have, uh, believed me either. And, uh, yeah, I would've probably gone to the cops as well." He was twisting his rings on his fingers. 

"It was so bizarre, Eddie, it all went so fast... We should call Steve and tell him and the others."

"You can't use the phone here."

You sighed as you pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your chin on them, hugging your legs with your arms, "Right."

"Well, it's pretty late so uh, if you're gonna drive back home, you should probably-"

"Oh god, I really don't want to go out there again right now." 

"I understand. Well, uh, I can guarantee that there's a, uh, boat here for you to nap in." Eddie seemed to have let his guard down for the moment. He stood up and offered you a hand. You accepted it and he pulled you up from the floor, then pointed at one of the boats, "But I can't guarantee it's comfortable. Here." 

"Thank you." 

Eddie chuckled as he handed you a blanket, "Uh, heh, there's absolutely nothing  to be thanking me for. I should be apologizing  for this." He said as he motioned with his hands over the boat. "Hopefully you'll still be able to catch some rest at least." 

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