chapter nineteen

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((haven't had the time or energy to read through this chapter and change errors or mistakes please keep that in mind, credit to the person who edited the pic idk it was super cute though))

It was explained as an earthquake, a huge one. Hawkins was being evacuated. The Red Cross was using the high school to keep people safe. Many had lost their homes or were injured and needed shelter.

"Look at them." Steve bumped your side with his elbow. You two were combing through the clothing donations. Robin had been sent to make sandwiches and it seemed like Vickie, her crush, also was. Luckily it didn't seem awkward and the two girls were hitting it off nicely.

You and Steve smiled at each other. You couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him; you knew his relationship with Nancy and they had been flirting these last couple of days before Jonathan returned with Mike, El, Will and Argyle. El. You two had to talk but you hadn't got the chance to do so yet. Too much was going on right now. You still had so many questions.

"Have you heard anything more about Max?" You asked.

"No more than you." He replied.

You nodded as you folded the green shirt in your hands. "I'm uh, glad you made it out. You know that?"

"Suicide mission." Steve forced a laugh. "We all gotta be crazy, huh?"

"Literally. You three were... so... so brave to go and fight his real body. You know?"

"Good you didn't come with us, you would've probably messed it up, heh." 

You giggled. "Right."

Steve neatly put away the sweater he was holding and stretched his arms out in the air. "Come here, (Y/N)." He said and you smiled and let him hug you.

"I'm glad you're okay." You breathed out when he finally let go of his tight hold. 

He nodded and went back to folding clothes. "So, are you gonna leave us all to stay with your dad, or, what's up?" 

"No, or, I'm not sure yet. I can't leave you guys now."

"No, that's true." Steve agreed. "You can't leave with everything still going on."

You watched over the big crowded area in front of you and your gaze fixated on Dustin. He was approaching... what had to be Wayne. Wayne Munson. Oh. The man was putting up a new missing person poster. You swallowed.

"Hang on." You said as you dropped the piece of clothing in your hands to hurry over. Your ankle was sprained and every step reminded you of what had happened two days ago. 

"My nephew is innocent." 

You heard as you came closer to the two of them. Dustin looked at you with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

"He's still missing." Wayne said. "I'll put up as many posters as I need until he's found."

You wanted to tell him. You really really did. But you couldn't. You opened your mouth to say something but instantly closed it again.

So Wayne Munson muttered, "Good day to you." before he hurried away from the two of you.

"I was with him when the earthquake hit." You followed the man through the crowd.

"And... where is Eddie now?" He suddenly stopped in his tracks to look at you again.

You gulped. "I...." You searched for the right words but they were too hard to find. "He's..." 

Wayne Munson started walking again and you didn't follow him this time.

You really wanted to tell the mourning relative about Eddie but you... couldn't. 

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