chapter sixteen

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The atmosphere in the RV was tense. Everyone sat in complete silence, mentally preparing for the upcoming events. It was hard to focus on the road with all the thoughts running in your mind. Steve sat in the other front seat, just as quiet when you exchanged meaningful glances. The sun was setting over Hawkins when you stopped outside the Creels' house to drop off Erica, Lucas and Max after you wished each other good luck. Your view on the plan being a fifty/fifty chance of survival hadn't changed. This could be the end and all of you were well-aware of that fact. You were going to do this together; fight for Hawkins, for the world, for each other. The strong sense of community offered some sort of vague hope. These last weeks had been total madness but yet, you felt this feeling of belonging. Belonging to this strange mix of people. Maybe all of you, against all odds, would come out of this fine... at least alive.... you knew that wasn't true. Chrissy still haunted you every time she got the chance to. 

The moon was glowing on the dark night sky by the time you arrived at the trailer park. 

"Let's just, run through it one last time." You said.

"Phase one." Nancy nodded.

"We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Lucas and Max when we're ready." Robin rehearsed. 

"Phase two?" You asked.

"Max baits Vecna." Steve looked at you. "He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance."

Oh, poor Max. You wished for the best and trusted Lucas to be there for her. She was putting herself in as much danger as she possibly could. Hopefully they were doing okay. 

"Phase three?" Nancy was the one to ask this time. 

"Me and Eddie draw the bats away." Dustin replied and Eddie ruffled Dustin's head and hair. 

Robin continued, "We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and.. flambé." 

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied." You restated. 

"Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what." Nancy declared. "Got it?"

"Got it." Everyone stood up from their seats to get out of the RV. You followed Steve into Eddie's trailer and up to the portal. You told him to be careful before he climbed his way over to the other dimension. He landed on his feet and shrugged back at you guys.

"What does he want us to do, applaud?" Robin muttered sarcastically. Nancy's smile immediately dropped because of her comment. She was the next to climb up and over, then Eddie, Robin and Dustin. You took a deep breath as you threw the last weapons over the edge and then heaved your body upwards.

You thought about Max, Lucas and Erica for a moment. What were they doing? Had they found Vecna yet? You closed your eyes and felt the gravity shift as you climbed over the edge. The force pulled you upside down and made it feel like you were free falling. Wait, why were you free falling? Where was the mattress? Was the distance to the floor that far??

THUD. Phew. You finally landed and eventually dared to open your eyes again just to see complete darkness. What? You turned your head around.

Huh.. why were Max and Lucas here?

No, wait, where were you? You must've somehow teleported to the Creels' house. Could the gate teleport you?... Cause you could see Max and Lucas in the complete blackness. Why was it so black? It was just the two of them and their lights in this void-like area. 

You stood up from the pitch black floor. Max was sitting down talking in front of a buzzing blue lantern. It meant that Vecna was there. You quietly snuck up to Lucas to tap his shoulder. He didn't react. You tried again. No reaction. What was going on? Where were you?

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