Chapter 7 | Mornings in The Headquarters

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I woke up to the chirping of birds and the morning sun's rays. Blinking a few times, aware of the unfamiliar surrounding. I sat up from the soft cushion and looked around the area. The place was neat and everything about it feels relaxing, I looked beside me only to be met by a sleeping figure whose identity I soon recognized to be as, Venti.

Despite the mess on his hair and now messy sheets, he seemed to have slept well. I stood up carefully not to wake the teen before teleporting back at the balcony of Wangshu Inn, relieved that I have returned to Liyue once again.


I woke up with one heck of a headache, groaning as the obvious rays of lights coming from the sun hit me square in the face. I sat up rubbing the back of my head trying to remember the events that must've happened last night.

Sighing I laid back, I could smell the faint scent of the Adeptus that was here hours ago. The cushions was soft it felt like I was laying on clouds, I could stay here forever! Well life isn't so fair sometimes. I glaced at the door as I heard someone knock on it before it opened, Lisa emerged from behind the door and stood there with a cheeky smirk plastered on her face.

"My my, would you look at that. Mondstadt's infamous bard scored on a Liyuen." She teased as I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

"As if, I just see him as an old acquaintance is all." The comment made the librarian sigh.

"If you insist, but that is quite the 'acquaintance' you got there, Barbatos."

"I really can't hide anything from you even if I try, Lisa. As expected from the Knights' head librarian." I said shaking my head ever so slightly.

"You were too obvious with the whole Golden Apple Archipelago with that dragon friend of yours." She said in calm manner. "Well, I came here to inform you that Jean asks for you in her office. Breakfast is also ready thanks to that sweet girl Noelle."

"Yep! I'll be heading there in a jippy~" I sang as she closed the door, staring at it for a couple of seconds before snapping back out.

"Ugh, this is one hell of a hangover." I groaned, grimacing as I stood up way to fast from the bed causing me to stumble a little. "Tch. No matter how much I drink it'll still come flying back at me when I'm sober."

Grabing my cape that somehow got on the floor I walked towards the open window only to watch the people of the nation move about their day. A fine morning in all honesty, minus the fact that my head is currently suffering from a masive pain, the weather was clear and the wind was as calm and free, the smell of new bloomed flowers scented the city and the knights roam the city's streets, keeping it at peace. I nodded.

"A fine morning indeed." Smiling, I turned around and wore the cape on my back, tying the ribbon on the front, I jogged back to the side of the bed putting both my shoes on before finally exiting the room.

Considering that this is the knight's headquarters, I was greeted by the few whom are on duty today, phrases like: "May the God of Anemo bless you." or "Blessings from the Anemo Archon Barbatos." Chimed through the halls as I walk down to the dining table, there stood a young girl with silver hair and golden eyes dressed in a maids outfit.

"Good morning sir Venti." She greeted, her form steady and polite. I wave a hand at the younger.

"Good morning, Noelle!" I smiled, Noelle's but a child full of dreams, such a kind soul.

"May I ask where Lisa is?" I sat down on one of the many chairs in the diner.

"She's in the Library, currently checking if the recent readers have returned their borrowed books. She said some lines about cursing those who doesn't learn how to return the books.." She said putting her hand under her chin while the other under her chest, suggesting the pose of thinking.

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