Bubbles Popped

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   Thoma woke up at the same time everyday. He also did the same things every morning. He wakes up, gets dressed, and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast; but today was different. Today he got woken by a familiar voice.


He turns around in his bed to see Ayato with his hand on his shoulder. It took him a few moments, but he soon realizes what was going on.

"My, Lord? What're you doing up this early?"

Ayato points over to the plate of food that was on the nightstand beside the bed. " I made breakfast for you and Ayaka since I had to get up early to leave with the men I was given supervision to ."

Thoma looks over at the food on the plate and reaches for it. He examines the food. [It doesn't look burnt...]

"I see. I wish you well then." Thoma says.

Ayato leaves the room, turning down the hall. Thoma soon hears the front doors open and shut. He gets out of his bed deciding that he'll do something with his day. He did have responsibilities and all. He heads to the washroom to get ready for his day.

☆ ☆ ☆

Ayato and his men finally stop behind Tenshukaku.

"Remember your orders." Ayato reminds them "you are to stay around the premises of the castle and listen for anything that might have to do with the decree."

The men nod in unison and spread out quietly. Ayato looks at his pocket watch. [ It's 5:00 now, which means we have six hours and thirty minutes.] He closes the watch and puts it back in his pocket. "Better make the most of it."

☆ ☆ ☆

Thoma places the broom back into the closet. He slaps his hands together multiple times to signal he's finished. [I've finished all my chores and made lunch...now what?] Thoma starts to question what he'll do with the rest of his day. He'd never woken up as early as 4 Am, heck it was still dark outside when he woke up. He couldn't go to Ayaka because she was out with her partner. He couldn't go to Ayato as he was out. He heads over to a table by the balcony. He gets a price of paper from the middle and dips the paintbrush in a cup of ink. He starts to scribe on the page.*

☆ ☆ ☆

"So it's true?" Ayaka asks putting her hand to her chest.

"Unfortunately so," Ayato confirms. "The general explained to not make a move until she makes one first. Then we can act."

"Understandable," Ayaka replies.

The three sit in silence for a little while longer. Thoma looks over at Ayaka whose eyes are glued to her fan. He shifts his gaze over to Ayato who looks more stressed out than ever. He looks down at his hands and thinks for a moment. He'd considered it when Gorou and his men came to bear the bad message. I mean he had to be loyal to Inazuma right? There's no way he could be told no. Thoma puts his hands on the table and stands up.

"My lord" he starts, all eyes of the room on him. "In true to staying loyal to Inazuma and the Kamisato clan, I would like to fight as well." he finishes.

Ayato's brown frowns. [This isn't looking good...] Thoma worries.

Fight? ...as much as he would love to say yes ...he couldn't risk it again.*

"I'm sorry Thoma," he began. "But I can not let you do that."

Thoma's shoulders slump. "...I understand my lord."  Thoma replies; but it didn't look like it to Ayato. He didn't like seeing Thoma down and he hated being the cause of it.

"It's for your own safety Thoma. I'm sorry..."

"I know my lord."

Ayaka looks over at her brother, then at her friend. She wanted to say something but couldn't, as she knew where Ayato was coming from; but she understood Thoma's side as well.*

The room went silent once again. It was so quiet yet so loud at the same time. After a few moments, Ayato breaks the silence.

"I'll be in my office if I'm needed. Good night to you all otherwise."

"Good night Ayato."

"Good night waka."

Ayaka stands up not long after her brother leaves.

"I too think I will turn in for the night, and I think you shall as well."

"Will do milady," Thoma says also beginning to move. They walk out together and go to their separate rooms.

Thoma tries to shake the thought from his mind. He wanted to respect the wishes of Ayato but, it didn't satisfy him. He didn't want to make a choice. He wanted to stay loyal to his clan and his Island [but how?] he wondered.

{Author's notes}
I want to start by saying thank you for 300+ reads while I was away! I also want to say that this is the first thing I've written since my writer's block so it may be a little bad😅. With these next few chapters, I want to try to focus more on Thoma and his pov if you guys don't mind because I've been writing about Ayato a lot. Furthermore, I also want to make a schedule for chapters for the two fics to keep it more on track. And as always thank you so, so much for reading loves!💙(*all of the answers to these will come in later chapters😋)

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