Something to Think About

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Thoma was walking over to the bath, replaying the events that had just occurred, in his mind. He had just finished making milady and his lord tea and boba if they wanted it before he was in the baths. The only abnormal thing about it was that he left a note under Ayato's cup. He also made sure that Ayaka had gotten a note as well under her coaster. The thing was, Ayato's said some...other things. Thoma started blushing thinking about it. Would Ayato read the note? Would he think good of it?

Thoma gets into the bath. [Maybe I just need to relax a little.] But every time he tried to, just thinking about Ayato would give him butterflies. He wanted these butterflies to part from him, and to be replaced by the knowledge of being in a relationship with someone he loved, but to get there Ayato would have to know how he felt. Let alone feel the same way back. The note he wrote didn't say anything that would uncover how he felt, and if it did, a note can only go so far. He needed something to say to him to convey his feeling to him; but what?

☆ ☆ ☆

Ayato sips the last ounce of his boba, fiddling a piece of paper in his hand. The words replayed in his head. "You've been looking a little stressed out, my lord. Everything alright? Just remember if you ever need anything you know where to find me. I wish you well. -Yours truly, Thoma"

He read the note a total of seventeen times and counting. The first five times he read it, he thought nothing of it, just a formal note of reassurance.  Reading it three more times made Ayato blush and feel all warm inside. Reading the note the last nine times however lead him to overthink. [Is this a sign he likes me or is it just a formal note?] Ayato went to take a sip of his boba only to find his mouth filled with air. He looks over at the cup realizing that the cup has long been empty. [Hm. Well that's unfortunate.] He looks at the clock on the wall. [Guess I might as well get ready to turn in for the night.] He throws the cup in the trash and flips his sister's coaster from the bottom to the top of her teacup so that it doesn't lose heat. He had thought that she would be down for her evening tea, but perhaps she was busy or tired. He just hoped she was alright, missing tea wasn't like her.

☆ ☆ ☆

[I love you? No that's too forward. I would like to be in a relationship with you? No.] Thoma had gone through the phrases he could say to tell Ayato how he felt, but none of them seemed to get the point across. He was so busy wrapped up in his thoughts that he wasn't aware that someone had come in until he heard something fall behind the curtain.

"Gah!" He exclaimed almost jumping out of the bath. Not taking his eyes off the curtain he stands up and immediately almost falls. Ayato comes out from behind the curtain with a white towel around his waist. "Sorry for scaring you. I didn't know you were here, I could leave if you'd like."

Thoma was at a loss for words, expressions, basically anything that could describe how he felt at that moment. His mind was wiped clean and his mouth and eyes wide open in shock. The only thing he could do was say "N-no you're fine."

Thoma adverts his eyes from Ayato as he gets into the bath on the other side. [Out of all the scenarios that could have occurred tonight this is the complete opposite of what I had in mind.]

Ayato situates himself in the bath on the opposite side of Thoma, mostly to make sure that he doesn't make Thoma uncomfortable, and also because he's blushing. He directs his attention to Thoma who despite being a whole eight feet away from him, seemed the most uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?"

Thoma turned his head so fast, that he thought it would fall off his neck.

"I-I'm fine my lord." He reassures him and instantly turns his head back around. Ayato wasn't convinced. He crouches under the water and starts moving towards Thoma, who is unaware of his actions. Ayato stops about two feet away from Thoma and slowly raises himself so that he's above the water, moving his wet bangs from his face.

"Are you sure?"

Thoma turns around once again and expecting Ayato to be on the other side, looks straight ahead. Only to be greeted by his abs and not his face. Before he knew it all he saw was black and his nose was dripping blood. Ayato shocked grabs him before he can fall into the bath and get his bloody nose everywhere. He spots a small white cloth and puts it to his nose with his other hand. Thoma regains consciousness not long after.

"Okay, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, you just scared me."

"Sorry about that...again."

"No, you're fine, really. It's actually quite impressive!"

"Thank you," Ayato replies grateful that he didn't seriously injure his friend. Thoma realizes the lack of conversation prompts and decides now would be the time to say what he'd been wanting to say for a while.

"My lord?"

"...Yes Thoma?"

Thoma musters up all the courage he had in his body and began to speak, but when he opens his mouth to speak he was cut off by Ayaka running in.

" Ayato I am truly sorry for interrupting whatever you guys are doing but this is urgent."

Ayato nods to her and Ayaka leaves as quickly as she came. Ayato gets out of the bath and hands Thoma his towel while putting on his own.

"If this is urgent, I can't think of a reason why we wouldn't want you present."

Thoma grabs his towel without hesitation and follows Ayato out of the bath . Maybe it was best that he didn't get to tell Ayato how he felt yet, what he was going to say was rushed anyway. This gave him more time to think, and he had a lot to think about.

{Author's notes}

I just want to start by saying thank you all for 100+ reads! I makes me over the moon happy to know that people like reading my work. The funny thing is I didn't actually intend to make a whole Wattpad dedicated to some of the stories I had in my notes😅. Also at the time, this chapter is posted I will be working on the summary of the previous chapter for the people who couldn't read it. Before I end these notes, I also want to say thank you to everyone who voted, commented and read this book and to those who voted on my poll on Twitter. Love ya loves❤️💙💕🖤💛🧡💜💚🤍 .^.

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