Heart, Head, and Boba

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"Good afternoon Ayato and Thoma," Ayaka said waving her fan their way.

"Good afternoon milady!"

"Good afternoon to you as well Ayaka."

   Ayaka shifts her position so that her legs are facing the counter, giving her brother enough room to sit on the stool next to her. Thoma continues past the counter into the kitchen. As soon as the curtain closes behind Thoma, Ayaka asks the question she'd been yearning to ask ever since the two walked in from the office.

"So...how was your dance?"

"It was... Wonderful" Ayato said with a small smile.

       Ayaka tilted her head to get a better look at her brother's face that was glued to the counter.

"What's wrong Ayato?" She asked worryingly

"What, nothi-" His sentence was interrupted by his sister's fan in his face.

"Don't tell me that nothings wrong, your face is telling me something completely different."

"Hm? And what's that?"

Ayaka moves her fan and opens it over her face. "It's telling me that you have your mind on something that's bothering you, and it has something to do Thoma."

This caught Ayato by surprise. Of course, he knew that his sister would figure it out sooner or later, he'd just never thought that she would be so right.

"Okay, you got me. I-" Ayato was cut off once again by Thoma coming in with two teacups and a cup of boba. Ayaka looks over at her brother who's smiling and talking with Thoma. [Maybe it's for the best, maybe I'm not supposed to know, but...]


"Hm? Yes, milady?"

"Could you be a dear and get me a coaster from the kitchen?"

"Yes, milady."

    Thoma goes off to the kitchen again where the coasters are held. The siblings watch Thoma go behind the curtain. Ayaka reaches over and grabs her brother's free hand.

"If you ever need anything, you can always come to me. Okay?"

Ayato nods in response. Thoma returns handing Ayaka her coaster and passes out all of the drinks. Ayaka sparks a conversation with Thoma which gives Ayato some time to think. He didn't want his worries to be placed on anyone else, let alone his love life, if he had one.

     He thinks back to when they were in the office. He was so close to asking if he could touch his lips with his own. As he was going over his previous thoughts, it hit him. What if Thoma had said no, what would have happened then? Thinking of all the events that could have occurred made Ayato feel sick. He usually had a level head, or at least he tried to. All of this stuff about feelings was new to Ayato. He had only ever loved his parents and sister, and even then it was platonically. It was all too much for him, he could barely grasp his head around his problems, let alone ones he knew nothing of. He needed help from someone but who? He knew of not many people who were that familiar with romantic feelings. He would have to ask someone who knew someone and...this was all too much. Ayato went to take a sip of his boba.

"Are you alright, waka?"

Ayato looks up to find Thoma and Ayaka looking at him with concerned expressions. " You look like you're at war with yourself. You're sure nothing's wrong?" Ayato shoots a quick glance at Ayaka, who gives him one like it from behind her fan, chuckling a bit.*

"Positive." Ayato replies. Even though it's the complete opposite of how he felt.

{Author's notes}
This chapter was a lot longer than I expected it to be. The new problems that were introduced and the problems that were given more explanation in this chapter give me a sort of idea as to where I want this to go exactly, so that's good. * Regarding Ayaka's chuckle, she did it because she thought it was funny that Thoma as well knew something was up. Thank you so much for reading and again I hope you enjoyed! =]

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