☞S E V E N T E E N

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Roselyn Belo

Thursday, 12:33pm:

I wince as I sit down, squeezing my eyes shut as I imagine grabbing Mother Nature by the throat and ragging her pretty hair out by the strand.

Luckily for me, I was gifted my period this morning when I woke up.

...said no one ever.

"You okay?" Sam questions, noticing my discomfort. I glare at him for brining attention to me, Grace snickers and Nate sighs.

"Yeah, fine." I answer cooly, lifting my laptop onto the table in front of us. Like always, we met at Wake and Bake to discuss our living arrangements in California.

I bring up the website and smile, pushing the MacBook back so everybody can see the screen. "So how much is it?" Grace asks.

"It's $580 a month which is $145 for us each, there's three bedrooms and three bathrooms, two ensuite and one general. There's two balconies, one for the master bedroom and one connected to the living room. It comes furnished, it's the penthouse so there's no neighbours beside us. The deposit is $250, oh and it's right by Santa Monica beach." I smile as they click through more pictures.

"Can we set up a viewing?" Sam asks, I nod.

"Do you want me to do it now?" I question, they all shrug their shoulders but slightly nod their heads. I roll my eyes in frustration and pick up my phone, Nate chuckles quietly and rubs my back.

Nathan Maloley

Thursday, 2:12pm:

Roselyn carefully lays down on her bed after taking her jeans off and putting a pair of my boxers on over her panties, next she takes off her t-shirt and bra and lays their comfortably. I can't help but stare whilst taking off my shoes. I lay down beside her and lay my hand over her boob, massaging them gently. "Are they hurting baby?" I ask softly.

"Like a bitch." She whines, putting her arms behind her head. I kiss them and continue massaging them, hoping to soothe her pain.

How can she be so beautiful without even trying?

My lips curve into a smile when I hear a light snore, I look up and smile even more when I see she had fallen asleep.

I slowly climb off the bed and make my way to the bathroom. She needs a nice, relaxing bath.

I start the water and turn to the mirror above the counter, putting my hands on the cold, marble surface to support myself up. I drop my head, closing my eyes and sighing.

What's wrong with me?

I hear the door creak open slowly, I don't bother to see who it is because I know it's Roselyn. "What's up?" She questions softly, placing her soft, small hand on my back.

I lift my head up and look at her through the mirror. "Nothing, I'm fine." I shrug my shoulders and stand up right, weakly smiling when she hugs me from behind and places her bare chest against me.

"I love you lots, you know that right?" She softly says, I nod and hold onto her arms.

"Yes, and you know I love you more right?" I chuckle, spinning around to lean against the counter and wrap my arms around her, kissing her shoulder and collarbone.

"Whatever, not possible," She giggles, I roll my eyes; too tired to begin a playful argument. "What's wrong?" She asks again, I sigh.

"Nothing, I'm just...tired." I inform.

"Those shifts aren't good for you, they've messed your body up. Go lie down, sleep," She orders calmly, I shake my head. "Nate go to sleep, you're tired and you have work in a few hours, I'll wake you up when it's time." She pouts, I roll my eyes in defeat and lean down to pinch her lip between my teeth.

"Fine, but you get in the bath and relax, I love you." I say, kissing her soft, plump lips.

"I love you too." She smiles as I walk out of the bathroom and take off my clothes to sleep comfortably.

Roselyn Belo

Thursday, 2:43pm:

After getting out of the bath and letting the water free down the drain, I sort myself out and change into my sweatpants, a comfy hoodie and some fuzzy socks.

I walk out of my wardrobe and smile at Nate sleeping before grabbing my phone and book. I close my bedroom door behind me and lightly step down the stairs. I think we're home alone, Mom and Dad are at work and River and Rito must be out doing their own things.

I coo at Winston and pick him up, stroking his soft fur as I make my way to the living room and turn on the TV.

From Samuel🏀: Can I ask u something? U gotta keep it a secret though.

To Samuel🏀: I'm good with secrets, you know you can trust me.

From Samuel🏀: Does Grace have a boyfriend or is she interested in anybody?

To Samuel🏀: Nope, not that I know of. Why?

From Samuel🏀: No reason, bye👋🏼☺️

To Samuel🏀: 👋🏼😑

I laugh at him and decide it's best to leave him to it, I have no need or reason to interfere.

I switch on the tv and begin watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory.

From Gracie💃🏻: GUESS WHAT!?

To Gracie💃🏻: What?😯

From Gracie💃🏻: Sam Wilkinson asked me on a date!! Saturday night!! WHAT DO I SAY?

To Gracie💃🏻: Say what you want, I think you should give him a chance tbh💁🏻

From Gracie💃🏻: You didn't have nothing to do with this, did you?😕

To Gracie💃🏻: Nope😇

From Gracie💃🏻: Whatever, thanks I guess😑

I giggle and put my phone down, focusing on the TV.


I shake his shoulder, peppering kisses over his face. Giggling when he groans and rubs his eyes. "Baby wake up, you have work."

Nate wakes up, gets dressed and follows me down to my car. I climb into the drivers seat whilst he climbs into the passenger seat, he reaches over and places his hand on my thigh whilst I drive, staring out of the passenger window.

I know something is on his mind but I don't question it, figuring it would be better to give him space and leave him be. He'll be fine once he's in work, his mind will be occupied enough.

I drive him to Sammy's and wait for him and Sammy to be ready for work, drinking a cup of hot chocolate with Lori and Emily, before finally dropping them off at the bar. I say goodbye to Sammy and he climbs out, waving goodbye.

I look to Nate and cup his face, leaning over to kiss his soft lips. "Whatever is playing on your mind, forget about it. I know it's bothering you." I state, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

He sighs, running his fingers through his thick, curly hair. Dismissing what I said, he weakly smiles and kisses me again. "Goodnight baby, I love you." He softly speaks, placing his forehead against mine.

I weakly smile, wiggling my nose against his which makes us both laugh. "I love you too, be careful in there." I say as he kisses my forehead and jumps out, keeping the door open so he can reply.

"Have a safe drive home, you be careful." He blows me a kiss before shutting the door and walking straight into the bar; showing the security his work badge.

I watch him walk in before driving home.

• • •

Go read the prologue to my Sammy fanfic! It would mean the world to me if you voted too💘

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