☞T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Roselyn Belo

Sunday, 5:58pm:

"To Nate and Sam." Johnson cheers, holding his glass up towards the two guys who sit with us in this Mexican restaurant

"To Nate and Sam." We all repeat, clinking our glasses together. I smile over to Sammy before turning to Nate and kissing his lips.

"You don't know how proud of you, and Sammy, I am right now," I giggle, resting my elbows on the table. "I'm like a proud mother."

"You're too adorable for your own good baby," he chuckles, laying his hand over my thigh. I giggle again, a light blush appearing on my cheeks. "I love you so much, you know that right?"

"Yes, and I love you so much too, you know that right?" I reply, smiling brightly at him.

"Of course," he chuckles, laying his arm over the back of my chair as we sit back. "Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all, if it ain't you baby. Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything but everything means nothing, if..." He whispers softly, my heart flutters as I laugh and kiss his cheek.

It's my favourite song, our song.

"I ain't got you." I finish, smiling. We both turn our heads when a flash goes off, distracting us.

Grace grins at us, I laugh and turn back to Nate. "I love you." He smiles, looking from my lips to my eyes.

"I love you too." I kiss his lips and run my fingers through his hair.

"Yo uh guys I invited a friend of mine, I hope you don't mind." Johnson announces, we all shake our heads as he holds his phone to his ear and walks out of the restaurant.

"So, what's going to happen now?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Sam and I are going to be working, writing songs and helping produce them in the studio, Monday to Friday and we have the weekends off." He replies, picking up his drink.

I nod my head, smiling. "Just going to the lady's room, be back in a few." I inform, kissing him before standing up in my pastel pink, short dress which I bought earlier this afternoon.

I pick up my bag and walk to the bathroom, stopping at the door to let a girl exit and thank me. I empty my bladder and wash my hands, staring at myself in the mirror. Fixing my dark brown - almost black - hair in the spotless mirror, somebody excuses themselves. "Hey uh, sorry to bother you but do you mind me asking what agency you're working with? I'd like to make an offer." She says, smoothing down her shoulder length, blonde hair.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I lightly laugh. "Excuse me? I think you have the wrong girl."

"No no, you're exactly what we're looking for, what agency do you work for?" She replies, shaking her head with a serious look on her friendly face.

"My what? Agency? I don't work at the moment." I giggle, picking up my bag.

"Oh," she says, amazed and happy at the same time. "Well in that case, I'm Thea, I'm recruiting for L.A Models." She smiles, offering a handshake which I happily take.

My eyes widen, my smile appears even brighter. "L.A Models? My mom is literally obsessed." I giggle.

That wasn't the full truth, yet it wasn't a full lie. My mom used to tell me stories of her childhood when I was younger, telling me how she wanted to be a model if only her mother would have let her. She told me about all these agencies she researched when she was sixteen, she planned to go visit one of her favourites when she turned eighteen.

Come her eighteenth birthday, she already had a job secured in the lawyer's office. That was her dreams, gone.

"Oh that's nice, so do you know a lot about us?" She smiles, taking a step back to...admire me?

"I know enough," I shrug. "My name is Roselyn by the way."

"Lovely to meet you Roselyn, I'd love to chat with you further for the offer I have so take this and call me as soon as you can, don't forget." She winks and reaches into her clutch to collect a business card and hand it to me.

"I'll keep it in mind, thanks Thea," I smile and walk to the door. "It was nice meeting you."

I nod my head to her again and make my way back to our table. "There she is." Nate smiles, pulling my chair back out for me.

"Here I am," I giggle, sinking down on the chair beside him. I notice our new arrival. "Oh hello, you must be Jack's friend, I'm Roselyn," I greet, reaching across the table to shake the pretty girl's hand.

She looks at me and scoffs, returning her attention to her nails. "Excuse me." I say, catching her attention.

"What?" She asks, a blank expression on her face.

"When somebody wants to shake your hand, you shake their hand, it's plain and simple respect." I sass, once again offering my hand to her.

She glares for just a second before sighing in defeat and shaking my hand. "My name is Dani."

"Nice to meet you Dani." I reply, sitting back in my seat as everybody quietly snickers.


We lay naked, the bedroom door locked but the balcony doors wide open. We haven't had sex, nor are we planning to just yet, we're just enjoying the relaxing atmosphere.

"You're so beautiful." Nate whispers, rolling over to lay his arm over my stomach and kiss my shoulder. I blush, looking over at him before puckering my lips for a kiss.

He kisses me softly, rubbing my skin with his soft thumb. "Thank you," I smile agains this lips.

Sitting up to straddle his waist, he reaches over to his phone and connects it to the wireless speaker on the other side of the room via bluetooth. The Weeknd begins to play, I'm so into Nate at this moment in time that I don't even pay attention to the exact song playing.

I begin drawing patterns on his chest and shoulder, watching goosebumps appear. "Are you cold?"

"Hot actually." He chuckles, laying his hands over my thighs.

"I want a tattoo." I announce randomly, paying close attention to the rose tattoo on his shoulder which he got for his eighteenth birthday. He got that for me apparently, I was mad because nothing lasts forever and he would be reminded of me everyday for the rest of his life if we ever split up, but his argument was that we never will split up.

I happily agreed.

"Are you sure?" He questions, I nod my head. "Then let's go tomorrow." He smiles.

• • •

What should she get? I need ideas😁.

I probably won't update this story later on, I'll be busy. Tomorrow though.

Tumblr// iamnateslilmama
IG & Twitter// yxbxtch

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