☞F O U R T Y - S I X

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Please read the A/N at the end - all of it :)

Roselyn Belo

Thursday, 8:23am:

My breathing cuts short. What have I done to deserve this? What did he do to deserve this?

"Excuse me?" Rito frowns, holding his bank card between his fingers.

"Bailing is not an option for Mr Maloley, possession of Class A drugs is not something we can turn a blind eye to, his court sentencing is at noon, would you like to see him?" I choke into sobs, crying into Grace.

We had managed to bail Sam and Johnson out, but they won't allow Nate to be bailed out. "Why the fuck not? He's innocent!" I scream, getting close to the glass window.

"Ma'am I'm going have to ask you to calm d-"

"Roselyn," Rito shushes me, stroking my arm. "Sorry sir, but can we see him?"

The fat man guides us to the temporary cells, I break down again when I see Nate sitting on the bench. His eyes are red, his clothes are creased, his hair is messy and he looks exhausted. He looks up, his attention caught by the cop's keys clanging. "Wilkinson, Johnson up and out." He bellows, opening the bar cell.

Nate furrows his eyebrows as his two friends walk out, Grace runs into Sam's arms. I walk up to the bars and wrap my hands around the cold metal. "N-Nate, y-your c-cou-"

I couldn't even form a sentence, Rito places his hand on my back and takes over as Nate stands and caresses my cheek through the gaps between the bars. "We can't bail you out, your court case is at noon, they're gonna' charge you with possession of Class A drugs." He explains, stroking my back comfortingly.

"Yo, sir, he's clean!" Sam yells towards the police officer, standing in the corner of the room.

He shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. "That ain't up to me, but your friend there isn't getting out any time soon."

"Fuck y-"

Rito covers my mouth, Nate shushes me, placing his hands on my hips. "Hand off, Maloley."

I try to lunge for him, but Rito holds me back. "Rosa calm, we'll see what happens after court." I cry and nod my head, holding my stomach.

"I don't remember if I congratulated you or not but congratulations guys." Johnson says, patting my shoulder softly.

"Thanks." Nate weakly smiles, quickly glancing at him for a second before looking back to me.

"C-Can we have a-a mi-minute?" I ask, looking to everybody who stands in the room.

For the next few minutes, Nate and I exchange I love you's, he assures me over and over again that I'll be in his arms in no time but the doubt in his eyes fails to assure me. "Baby, there's something I need to tell you."

"If it's gonna' make my day any worse then don't tell me." I reach through the bars and cup his face, pressing my lips to his.

"But baby I need you to know, I'm sorry," he rests his forehead against the bar and sighs. "The drugs aren't mine, I-I...was holding them for-"

"Don't even fucking say it, you promised me you stopped."

"I did baby, I did, this was when I was dealing and then I stopped for you," he pleads, keeping a hold on my hips as I try and pull away from him. "Cameron asked me to hold some stuff because he thought he was gonna' get raided, so I hid it all in the attic, I forgot about it baby I swear I did-"

"How do you fucking forget you hid cocaine in the attic you dumb fuck!" I yell, hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Baby I'm sorry-"

"I'm having a baby, Nate, your son or daughter is going to be born whilst their daddy is locked up in jail. What am I gonna' tell them, huh? It's your fault they're gonna' grow up with no fucking idea who their daddy is."

I can tell my words hit him like bullets, but I didn't stop, I wanted him to feel the pain he's caused me.

"Th-They c-can vi-visit." He mutters, not bothering to wipe the tears that fell from his eyes.

"No baby of mine is stepping foot in a prison, phone calls or nothing." Despite my anger, I passionately pressed my lips to his, savouring the feel of his lips on mine before walking out, leaving him there on his knees.

• • •

First off, this was the last chapter of Devotion. Buttt...I'm making a sequel book and I'm not giving you any hints about it :))

So yeah, I haven't even started planning for it but I will update you all when the book is up. I may wait until I finish the school year (in July) so I have more time or just post it as soon as the first chapter is done. Idk, but you will be informed.

Second of all, are you reading tictacwilk 's books? Because if not then you aren't using Wattpad correctly, lol. All of her books are amazing and I can't wait for her to start Haunted House, so go read it!!

If not then I will be mad :((




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