chapter two

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Davina POV:

I walked down and all I could see was all these people. There were like probably over 50 people just standing outside the reception area which I am presuming is A Level students. Apparently Rose told me that that I'd get my photo taken, get my ID badge, we would have an assembly and then go to our form classes.

I didn't know anyone here. I just walked down and stood on the side of the building leaning against the wall. I looked around and all the girls were so pretty. They were so beautiful and then there's me who's just I don't even know.

I'm looking around at all the people who are friends hugging each other, laughing and having fun. I never had friends to know what that feeling was like. I wanted friends who generally who could make jokes, care and just be nice in general not like the people who were at my secondary school.

"Hey, you're new." Someone says as they walk towards me.

"Um yeah I'm new here." I replied in a very confused tone.

Why is she talking to me? I thought to myself.

"You look lost." She says while raising her eyebrows up. That is one way to start up a conversation I guess. I'm very awkward at starting conversations so I'm just going to go with the flow.

"Yeah I am. I have no clue where to go." I replied as I looked around the place.

"You don't have to go anywhere. We all have to stay here until we get called in." She says.

"Oh okay." I said.

This is very um... Awkward I guess. I hate starting conversations but here I go. Since I'm here for the next two years may as well get to know her a little bit.

"So um what's your name?" I ask her.

"Sofia. What about yours?" She asks me.

"Davina." I replied.

"Nice name." She said.

"uh thanks I guess." I replied with a very confused tone of voice. Why did I just say that?

Until I noticed a really noticeable cough coming from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I notice a young man my age resting against the minibus. I turn around to find out who it is.

"Hey Ryan. Oh my god, I haven't seen you for so long." Sofia says as she walks up to him and hugs him. His name is Ryan. He looks pretty good not even going to lie.

"Sofia you missed me didn't you?" He says while looking at her directly in the eyes.

Are they dating? I thought to myself. I mean they look it at the way he gave her a hug and everything. Oh god Davina shut up. Stop these thoughts. I'm at this new school and I think I'm going to go insane.

"hm I think I might need to think about that." She replies as they both walk back towards me.

"Who's this? You're new." He says while having a confused look on his face.

Is there not another person here who is new or is everyone just decided to stay in the same secondary school for sixth form for another two years of their life?

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