chapter ten

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Aaron POV:

For the past two days, I've been absent from school, unable to muster the strength to leave my bed. It's not a matter of laziness; I'm simply drained, exhausted, and overwhelmed by everything.

The loss of someone dear to me weighs heavily, a persistent ache that refuses to fade. No amount of distraction can dull the pain, as it always finds a way to resurface. Even in sleep, their presence haunts me, shattering my fragile peace. I long to escape this relentless grief, to move forward and embrace life once more.

Yet, my mind is a battleground, overrun by incessant thoughts and agonizing memories. I yearn for respite, for a moment of quiet amidst the turmoil. Lost in my own thoughts, I'm startled by the sudden ringing of my phone. With a heavy heart, I rise from my bed and reach for the device resting on my desk, wondering who could be reaching out to me now. As I unlock my phone and open the message, the unknown sender's words fill the screen, awaiting my response.

Unknown Number


It's me Davina.

Davina? How the hell did she get my number? I thought to myself then I got the hint. It was probably Ryan and Sofia. But what I don't understand is why would she get my number off them like she could have said no.

Our last interaction wasn't really the best. I asked her if we could be friends and I know for fact she wanted to say no. It was practically visible on her face until Ryan and Sofia showed up and we got interrupted. I don't blame her. To the outside world some people think I'm a bad person but in the inside world I'm not a bad person. I just pretend to be that person so people don't see my pain. The only people who think I'm not a bad person is Ryan and Sofia. Everyone else just does I suppose including Davina.

I'm not sure exactly what she thinks but I'm pretty sure it is that. Plus she probably thinks I'm worse now since I haven't been coming to school for the past two days. If I call her, which im questioning myself if I should, she would probably have a go at me for not coming in. On top of that I haven't done the rest of the science project. Even worse since I haven't been coming to school, she probably had to sit and watch everyone else dance since her partner which is me wasn't in. Do I really want to call her? I question myself.

Oh fuck it.

As I tapped the phone call symbol, initiating the connection, a surge of nerves sent my heart into a rapid rhythm. It was a familiar sensation, one that seemed to accompany every interaction with her. Puzzled by the intensity of my own reaction, I couldn't help but wonder if there was something fundamentally wrong with me.

Ever since our paths first crossed, she had possessed an inexplicable power over me, stirring emotions I struggled to comprehend. Was it infatuation? An inexplicable connection? Or simply my own heart betraying me?

Lost in my thoughts, I barely registered the ringing on the other end of the line. Then, abruptly, she answered, her voice breaking through the haze of my introspection.

"Hello." I said.

I know what's coming.

"Well look who decided to call me." She said obviously in a sarcastic voice. I knew this was coming. She's definitely mad at me isn't she?

"Excuse me. No hello. Where's the manners at?" I ask her as I lay back down on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"Says the person who blanked me at our very first interaction." She says in a attitude voice. I mean she's not wrong. That was mean of me to do but I try to avoid making conversations with other people. A lot has changed in my after that incident. That pain changed me in so many ways.

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