The asshole's introduction

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I hope I don't mix anything up with the characters being introduced like they should in the series so I will try to rewatch season 2 of Stranger Things.

Fall break is over and it's time to come back to school again. You're going back to living everyday as if it's a chore, unless it's a weekend of course.

Even when it's fall, the mornings are a bit hot so you applied some deodorant under your pits and wore a tshirt with elbow length sleeves, along with cowboy jeans that were rolled up a bit at the ankles so that it actually looked good.

You are a part of the basketball team, well mainly because of Steve. But you're talking less to him now that he always rides around with his girlfriend. Damn, you're still single after all this time? You quickly pack your sports stuff and hurry outside of the house.

Growing up with parents that always worked, they woke up just as early as you and took your 5 year old brother to school.


"Come on Y/N, you've got great legs. Biking will make them even stronger!" Your dad said and laughed at you in an evil way.

"Why can't I just get a ride?" You groaned.
"It's so early in the morning!"
"Oh trust me, you'll thank me when you see how much faster you can run from biking."
And then your mom and dad drove off. Wow. You were honestly at a loss for words.

"ATLEAST SAY BYE GOD DAMMIT!" You hurridly got on your bike and headed to school.


Rumors of a new kid filled the halls of the school, in each and every corner.
"Did you see how good looking he was? Even his ass was perfect!" "I didn't even see his face clearly from staring so much."
"He looks REALLY muscular, I would most definitely cheer for him if he were to be in the Hawkins basketball team."
"It's just a new kid, do people only care about looks now?"

"I swear to god I am gonna rip my ears apart." Early mornings with nothing but rumors floating around was a pain in the ass. "I feel bad for that guy, imagine having people talk about your ass like that." You physically cringed and shook your head.

Finally, you take out your schedule paper and see that you have english.
"LET'S GOOO I HAVE FUCKIN' ENGLIISH!" You exclaimed loudly.
...Everybody stared at you for a moment and laughed.  Great, you just embarrassed yourself because you got so excited! It's one thing after another, you thought to yourself.


"Everyone find your seats!" The teacher said loudly for everyone to hear. You walked over to your seat, the seat right beside Steve's and the seat in front of someone unfamiliar.

Billy Hargrove

He already has quite the reputation. You weren't ashamed to admit he had the reputation you've always wanted. I mean.. Who would want to be known as the biggest coward in school? Even though you aren't that big of a coward? "Stop thinking about to many stuff for once!" You said to yourself and sat down.

"Yo Y/N uhh.. You got any extra pencils?" Steve asked you right when the lesson started.
"Again?" You looked at him, visibly fed up with him.

"Sorry I always forget-" "STEVE! If you don't want to pay attention you can just leave and not come to school." The teacher said in an angry tone.
"Anyway! We're gonna be watching a documentary today and write an essay of the topics mentioned in the video. Excited?"

Everyone groaned loudly, some complaining in the back too. "Uuuuugh my back's gonna be all stiff again!" "Alright alright let's all calm down. This'll be the last documentary I force you to watch I PROMISE. We're gonna work on stuff way more difficult stuff than this!" He said happily.

..Even more sounds of dissatisfaction was heard after that sentence.

Something was tapping it's foot on the back of your chair. You turn to face Billy and immediately had eye contact.

"What?" He said, being fully laid back and focused on you. "Do you need anything? You're tapping your foot on my chair.." You asked and took a second to look somewhere else to avoid prolonged eye contact.

"Oh sorry was it bothering you?" He said and sort of smiled.. It was like he was smiling but in a mischevious way. He leaned closer and..
"Pay attention or you'll get in trouble. Shut that little mouth of yours and don't complain to the teacher." He whispered the last part with his intimidating deep voice, he even leaned in closer to whisper.

You, being easily intimidated, turned around very slowly and kept your mouth shut. You aren't happy being known as the school's biggest coward, but you can be one. Truly depends on the situation.

Billy Hargrove smirked and continued tapping his foot on your chair, staring at the back of your head while you tried to concentrate. Steve was keeping a close eye on Billy in annoyance because of his behavior. Keep in mind all of this is going on while the documentary is playing on the big screen.

It didn't take long for Billy to notice Steve's eyes on him. His smirk only grew wider, as he had already become part of the basketball team and he knew Steve Harrington and Y/N were gonna be there too.

"Steve Harrington, the school's prince huh? And Y/N the wimp. I wonder how things will play out in practise." Billy thought to himself.

But he only kept burning holes into the back of Y/N's head, what's so bad about him? How come he's become the biggest wimp here? That question lingers in his mind.

This school will hopefully keep him interested and entertained while he's here in Hawkins. All the new girls he'll flirt with will most definitely keep him company.


IDK IM NOT USED TO WRITING ITS BEEN A WHILE SO IM SORRY IF ITS WEIRDLY WRITTEN! I'm still trying to learn how to properly write💔 i really hope tiu guys enjoyed This chapter! This was an introduction as to how the story starteddd😻

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