Staying over after party

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In This fic, Billy is a jackass but also made a bit kinder, and funnier to not get too much because we know he'd jump Y/N if he Said one wrong thing. Enjoy Reading🙈


The party had ended and you still couldn't find Steve. You assumed he just went home, not wanting his mood to get any worse than it already was.

You felt really bad, especially when you got pulled away and couldn't slip out of Billy's firm 'arm around your shoulders' grip. You and Steve were comfortable enough for him to randomly crash at your place and stay the night to hang out. Steve is one of the only people you allow to stay over. Billy too but only once because he gave you a ride.

"Steve? You here-"


You walked in on your little brother and Steve making lemonades together.
You chuckled and sighed in relief.

"There you are. Gosh you had me worried!"

You walked up to him and smacked his head.

"Don't hit my loyal brother like that!"

B/N stood in between you and Steve, protecting him.

"Wooow now you and Steve are friends. How many children are you gonna be friends with?"

You laughed. Steve always always ends up becoming bestfriends with a random kid, and now it's your brother.

"Whaat we're just making lemonade. Here, have this."

He held a tall glass of water with lemon slices, cucumber slices and mint in the water. With a few ice cubes too.
"This looks HEAVENLY."

You instantly took a sip. Your little brother messed something up and got help from Steve. It gave you the chance to think back to everything that happend with Billy. Billy had his forehead against yours AND had you pinned against the wall. Oh and he also hummed your name.

"Earth to Y/N??"

Steve's hand was waving in front of you.

"What? Let me think."

"Oh right, I mean I would be overthinking too about whether or not someone caught me leaving the bathroom with someone else."

Steve stated casually and did his own thing. He didn't care about your brother hearing, since he wouldn't understand a thing anyway.


You were shaking Steve's shoulders.

"What?! It's not that I'm jealous!"

He slapped your hands away and sighed.

"You probably didn't even bother to break free from Billy's hold on you because you'd prefer him over me."

He muttered but it was loud enough for you to hear him.

"The f..heck you mean?! How could I possibly escape that death grip of his?!"

Steve laughed at you correcting yourself, almost forgetting that your brother was there. You would've had to give him money again for him to not snitch on you for cursing.

You glared at Steve.

"Shut up and help us out."

B/N said in an annoyed tone.

"Someone's got an attitude."

You huffed.

You, B/N and Steve continued to talk about all sorts of topics and laugh together whenever someone says something stupid. Steve's grumpy mood seemed to get a lot better now that he's having fun. Your parents were gonna be home late anyway.

Billy Hargrove x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now