The new prince?

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My writing may not be the best but it'll improve eventually. I hope you all will enjoy This chapter!💝
"Class is finally over!" Steve got up and streched. The moment you got up was when he started getting all giddy. "You excited for practice? We'll kick their asses" He said confidently and put his book away.

"Don't get your hopes up Steve, last time you said that, you got dunked on." You snorted.
"Come on that was a long time ago!" Steve was in fact, still embarrassed by the fact he got dunked on by another school's team in front of a crowd. That may not sound that bad, but the thing is.. He slipped when he was about to guard the basket.

Billy was listening to everything. He'll flirt later, now's not the time because he wants to find the right moment to butt in.

"How long can it take to pack?! I want to leave!" You whisper yelled at Steve for taking so long. You could still feel Billy's eyes on you and you were desperate to avoid eye contact.
Were you that handsome?

Thinking that made you smirk a little to yourself. "Alright let's go, no more staring at us Billy." Steve said and grabbed you.

Stepping out of the classroom, you and Steve made your way to the lockers to take out your clean gym clothes.

Time skip to practise

A short and dark haired guy yelled.
Steve and Billy were all up against each other. "Afraid the coach will bench you?" Billy taunted and stole the ball from Steve. You were more on the supportive side than the offensive, passing the balls to your teammates closest to the basket. You were the second main guy on the team. You and Steve have always been the ones destroying everyone else. You with your deadly passes, that went right through everyone and Steve with his talented offensive play. Being the passer of the team, you couldn't exactly.. Get in between those two.

The coach loudly whistles to stop everyone.
"Wonderfully done Billy." The coach clapped and walked towards you. "How about you try to be in Billy's team, Y/N? Try being his support."
"What the hell??" Steve was not liking the idea. He's always been in a team with Y/N, now the coach wants Y/N to start being in Billy's team from now on?

No. WAY!

"No more complaints Steve, you've played with him by your side for long enough." The coach said with an irritated tone. Steve just walked away, clearly frustrated with the coach's decision. Not only was he annoyed, the rest of the team was. Yeah this may be practise, but during practise they only stick to one team. And that split up team doesn't change, well until it did today.

You slowly turned to look at Billy. Shit. From now on during practise, you'll always have to pass to him. It'll be hard to get used to. Especially because he always plays solo.

When you turned to look at him, he was smirking at you. That was enough to quickly make you look away.

The coach whistles again and the practise match starts.

The basketball was thrown in the air, for Steve to grab the ball first and ran to the left. The side where Billy wasn't positioned to stand in. The spot you stood in. In an attempt to block him, you hit the ball out of his hand and made a perfect pass to Billy, and he bumped into someone from Steve's team hard enough to make them fall and dunked. "WOOO WELL DONE BILLY!" They high fived him and continued.

Steve's balls got
..Come on man that doesn't sound right💀

Billy ran up to you and gave you a fist bump. "Nice pass chick." He said in that annoying.. Very confident of himself tone. It continued. Steve scored, then it was Billy, then it was Billy again and it went on.

Billy Hargrove x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now