Ch. 2

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Steve was not ready for this. Not at all. Going over to Eddie's trailer? Yeah he was no not ready. At all. So when he pulled up near Eddie's trailer and got out, he was nervous.

As Steve was walking up to knock on the door, he hands where sweating. He tried to wipe them off but no luck. " got this Harrington." Steve whispered to himself. He knock on the door three times waiting for Eddie to come answer it.

The door swung open. "Ah! Steve! You actually came, what a surprise!" Eddie was leaning on the door. "Yes I did." Steve was fiddling with his fingers as he said that. "Well don't be scared! Come one in!" Eddie moved out the way letting Steve in.

"Sooo..why did you ask me to come here?" Steve asked Eddie has he look into those eyes that mad Steve go crazy. "Well isn't it obvious?" Steve look at him like he was crazy, no it was not obvious? "No it's not?" Eddie then laughed, the laugh steve has grown to love, "I want to talk to!" As Eddie said he averted his eyes from Steve. "What there to talk about?"

He had an Idea of what Eddie wanted to talk about.." yeah we can.." Eddie then looked back up at Steve when he said that. Eddie then laughed. "Steve—pft—I'm sorry but how can you not see the signs?" Eddie said with a chuckle in the middle, "no I see the signs! I just thought you where joking.." he mumbles the last part

Eddie frown a little bit, "well I wasn't! What I said in the cafeteria was true! I am falling for ya!" Eddie then moved closer towards Steve, shoulders touching.

"I—" Steve voiced hitched now that Eddie was close to him. Steve was so tempted to hold Eddie's hand out stop himself. "I—uh—um", He didn't know how to reply to that. I mean Steve felt the same way, no matter how many times he has denied it.

"Oh..sorry." Eddie moved away from Steve, he didn't like that Eddie movies away so he pulled Eddie back to him, closer then last time. "No, I—I feel the same way it's just..I'm new to this" he says pining in between him and Eddie, "I may not act like it Munson but I like you too.." Eddie blushed it was a tiny one but he did. "Really? Like..for real?" Eddie was freaking out, "yes.. for real!" Steve leaned in closer to Eddie's face, his hands on Eddie's face. "Can I..can I kiss you?" Steve's eyes looking away from Eddie. "Yes."

And when Steve heard that, it closed the distance between them. The kiss was slow and tender, both smiling in the kiss. Steve's hand making their down to Eddie's waist while, Eddie's hand are around Steve's neck. They pulled away, they both laugh. "Would you look at that? I just kissed THE Steve Harrington!" Eddie said with a laugh, Steve rolled his eyes in a playful way. "Whatever" Steve laughed before kissing Eddie again.

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