Keith, now he's the new guy in the picture. He had been trying since I was pregnant with my second son but as always i played hard to get. I wouldn't be V if i didn't because who wants an easy chick. Not me. I was gone give you a run for your money every trip because I got to see if you can keep up and can you handle all the personalities I have. Because baby I'm bipolar as hell. But what I fail to realize I had met my match finally. My life turned for the worse you hear me. Keith was 6'2", dark skinned, handsome he was every girl dream but whew did he have a fucking attitude on him. He was very quick temper. Baby use to beat my ass from sun up to sun down, verbal, physical and emotional. I ended up getting pregnant , losing the baby and boy was I happy but sad at the same time because who wants to lose a child. Not me. It literally took a toll on me. Depression was real. Everything irritated me. I cried for every little thing and some may call me a bad mom but i didn't want to be bother with my kids for that short period of time. I ended up shaking it off because depression couldn't win I still had some beautiful angels to raise and to be strong for. Now Keith on the other hand shit didn't phase him like it did me because little did I know he had another baby on the way. Can we say heartbroken all over again but who am I to be upset with the next chick. It was like my life was on replay because damn what I did to deserve the bullshit I always encounter. Why I always picked the bad ones? Just why me? I had all those questions and no answers but guess what my stupid ass did, stuck around like a dummy. When I say I should have had a sign on my head that said, "DUMMY!" "Stupid mf." Whew honey. I was every name in the book that we call chicks that stick around no matter how many red flags waving in our face. The flags was talking to me at this point, that's how serious it was.
Life Of A Single Mom
RomanceLife of a single mom with 6 kids. Looking for love in all the wrong places. Wondering will she ever find love with all the hell she have encounter on her life. But I'm here to tell you after every storm regardless how long your storm is, there's a r...