Chapter 5:Voices.
Max and I decided to forget what we saw in Eddie's until the morning, not letting it ruin our girls night.We decided to blame what we thought we saw on the alcohol that we stole from maxs fridge.
Again we don't know what we saw.
Back at my house now we began to play.
"Ok so spin it and who ever it lands on we have to call them." Max said as she sat down next to me on my bed. "You do have a phone in your room don't you?" Max asked me looking around my room, I nodded and walked over to my desk and pulled on the cord so I could lift up the phone box and carry it over to my bed.
"But how do we know these peoples numbers?" I asked max. "I know them, don't stress." Max said as she lay the names of people in a circle in front of us. Max took the bottle in her hand and spun it in a circle.
"Hopper." I read out. "Who's hopper?" I questioned. Max smirked in reply and dialed the number into the telephone placing it up to her ear.
"Hi this is sandy from the mens clinic, is this Jim Hopper?" Max asked outing on a southern accent. I could hear a grumble on the Tele phone in reply, and max tried hard not to laugh. "Well you see i have a question about the order you made, would you like the cream or the liquid version for your genital warts." Max asked and she and I burst into laughter as she slammed the phone back into the box.
"Your turn." Max said handing me the bottle.
I took the dark green beer bottle and twisted it spinning it around in a circle. The bottle slowed then landed on Joyce.
Max dialed the number in and handed me the ringing phone.
The phone continued to ring. The ring then faded into a soft buzzing noise that became louder and louder. Suddenly my head began to feel light and I was feeling dizzy. The static noise became louder and louder.
Then I began to see something. A vision like image began to play in my mind.
It was a small child with their mother, being taken into a hospital.
Cords and tubes were being stuck onto the child that were connected to a small screen that sat next to a man with white hair.
Suddenly there was blood everywhere. And loud screaming was heard.
Everything was moving around to fast to understand what was happening.
"Kat" the woman's voice sounded
"Kat?" The voice then faded into a males voice
"I will wait for you." The male voiced echoed.
"Kat." The voices sounded drifting of
"Kat!" Max yelled as she shook me awake.
I sat up suddenly breathing heavily, my lungs contracting into the bones of my ribs.
"What happened?" Max asked me looked at me worried.
"I- I saw soemthing." I said my voice breaking as I spoke.
Wordlessly I stood up and looked around my room taking a piece of paper of my desk and a pen.
Sitting back on my bed I began to write out three words.
Rainbow, 11 and Kat.
The next morning we were awoken to heaving banging on the door downstairs.
Max and I sat up and looked at each-other as we ran down the stairs tripping on our own feet.
"Max! You in there?" We heard muffled yelling from outside.
"Dustin." Max said softly looking at me then opening the door.
Suddenly the door burst open as a group of people bust in yelling at each-other.
"He didn't do it I swear on it, it's not Eddie!" Dustin yelled.
"How do we know!" Steve yelled
"Steve right for once how do we know Eddie is innocent?" Robin asked
"Because I know Eddie." Dustin finished.
"Oh hey guys." Steve said turning to max and I looking me up and down. "Nice pjs Russia." Steve commented as I looked down noticing that I was wearing very short short and a tight pink singlet.
"Ok perv enough of that, what are u guys on about?" Max asked the group.
Wordlessly Dustin tan into the living room as we all followed. He switched on the tv.
" Last night a Hawkins high student was brutally murdered right here in this trailer. Final details are to be released later but we do know that the victim was Chrissy Cunningham a Hawkins high senior. The suspect is the resident of the trailer Eddie Munson. If you have any knowledge at all of this case let police know immediately."
The group was silent and max and I slowly turned to look at each-other.
"Oh shit." We said in unison.
This chapter is so short in so sorry but next chapter u are in for a treat
Thank you for all the support
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I love you all

Strange ( Peter Ballard/Henry creel/001) x fem reader
Fiksi PenggemarA twisted dark romance love story, set during season 4 and a little beyond/ before stranger things season 4. ~~~~~ "Your a monster." "Well darling, I suppose that means you are too, we are a lot more alike than you know." "I could never be like you...