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teve.r: we won first ❤
Tagged @Nat.r
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Wanda.oo how  sweet
Sam deff hit the jackpot Steve
Nat shut it Wilson
Bucky damn

Tony.s I love my girl and yeah we won  ❤
Tagged @pepper.p
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Pepper love comes first
Nat  slay queeennn
Carol  das my baby right there
Maria hey guys does anybody wanna go out for coffee
Like right now only girls
Nat I'm in
Pepper yeah Same
Carol deffinetly
Wanda  can I come with I'm kind of bored
Maria of course you can let's go

Maria.h:victory coffee with the girls since our boys won ❤
Likes 9M|comments 5k
Tagged @Steve.r @bucky.b @Tony.s @Sam.w @Loki.l

Nat victory coffee with the girlys
Pepper yeah good job guys
Steve thanks but I can kind of jelouse I could go for a coffee right about now
Pepper don't worry Steve we will bring you one
Wanda good job at winning buckyyyy
Bucky  thanks Wanda
Pepper do I smell a new shipppp
Nat YEP it's sailing

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