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Steve.r: happy birthday to this beautifull queen 😍
Likes 190M|comments 189k
Tagged @Nat.r

Wanda:  happy birthday wifey
Carol: babbyyyy you look so pretty  
Maria:just gorgeous
Tony:happy birthday red best wishes
Thor:happy the day of the birth lady Natasha
Clint:happy birthday bestaayyy💖
Pepper: happy birthday to MY wife

Wanda:  happy birthday wifey Carol: babbyyyy you look so pretty   Maria:just gorgeous Tony:happy birthday red best wishes Thor:happy the day of the birth lady Natasha Clint:happy birthday bestaayyy💖Pepper: happy birthday to MY wife

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Laura.b: stop for some desert with the birthday girl
Likes 11M|comments 11k
Tagged @Nat.r

Wanda:I didn't get an invite :(
Carol:neither did I
Maria:I didn't get one either and that just not cool
Pepper:honestly guys your all obsessed with Natasha let the girl enjoy her bday
Tony:finally sombody says it
Steve:so agreed
Thor:im not sure what we are agreeing on but I agree

Wanda:I didn't get an invite :(Carol:neither did I Maria:I didn't get one either and that just not cool Pepper:honestly guys your all obsessed with Natasha let the girl enjoy her bday Tony:finally sombody says it Steve:so agreedClint:yep Thor:im n...

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Carol.d:happy birthday,birthday girl
Likes 28M|comments 5,8k
Tagged @Nat.r @Wanda.m

Maria:yet again no invite
Steve:you girls are having fun
Wanda:your dang right we are
Pepper: I know right

Maria:yet again no invite Steve:you girls are having fun Wanda:your dang right we are Pepper: I know right

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Maria.h:finally got some time with the birthday girl
Likes 4M|comments 2k
Tagged @Nat.r

Pepper:yet again I wasn't invited:(
Maria:sorry pep
Carol:yeah really we are
Nat:awweee pep don't worry your turn to spend time with me is now here and everybody els go away!!

Pepper:yet again I wasn't invited:(Maria:sorry pep Carol:yeah really we are Wanda:deffoNat:awweee pep don't worry your turn to spend time with me is now here and everybody els go away!!

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Nat.r:spendin time with the girls before the party
Likes 45M|21,2k
Tagged @Carol.d @Maria.h @Wanda.m @pepper.p

Steve:y'all having fun
Thor:yes they are
Tony:guys the party is about to start soon so I suggest heading home
Clint:for the first time in my life I agree with Clint

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