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ony.s:who the actuall hell did this to me
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Nat.r:you look gorgeous Tony
Thor.o:ohhh handsome devil
Steve.r:what the actuall fuck
Tony.s:thank you Steve 

s:thank you Steve 

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Nat.r:don't be mad Tony but....
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Tony.s:ohhh no why that's so embarrassing why would you
Steve.r:that's my girlfriend people
Wanda.m:who Tony or natasha💀


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Thor.o:do I look what you people call good
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Nat.r:the most handsome man ever
Wanda.m:ohhh handsome guy
Pepper,o:sombody please is it hot in here
Carol.d:I think I might be into you just a little
Tony.s:your very handsome Thor

s:your very handsome Thor

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Loki.l:do I get compliments?
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Nat.r:since when we're you on earth
Loki.l:since yesterday
Steve.r:handsome man i see
Loki.l:thank your
Tony.s:you know for a uumm green guy you look amazing
Bruce.b:thats offensive
Thor.o:you look good brother!

o:you look good brother!

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Wanda.m:Nat fits perfectly in steves arms
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Nat,r:thanks wands
Bucky.b:she really does
Steve.r:where did you find?, this when did you take this?,why did you take this ?,I have so many questions to yes ofc she does

r:where did you find?, this when did you take this?,why did you take this ?,I have so many questions to yes ofc she does

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Nat.r:miss you baby girl
Tagged @yelena.b
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Wanda.m: 1)since when did you have a sister
Pepper.p:2)why did we never know
Tony.s:3)can we meet her
Clint.b:4)does anybody even know
Yelena.b:miss you too 💖 sad back in Russia without you
Nat.r:miss ya more,and guys please shut up

r:miss ya more,and guys please shut up

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Tony.s:my best girl other than pepper
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Pepper.p:so cute
Nat,r:my best  other man
Steve.r:so cute
Clint.b:no I claim her first
Wanda.m:uuh no you don't me,pepper,Carol,Maria all claim her

m:uuh no you don't me,pepper,Carol,Maria all claim her

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Steve.r:love my baby so much💖
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Nat.r:love you to bae
Wanda.m:so cuteee
Tony.s:hurt her
Clint.b:and you
Maria.h:a painfull
Pepper.p:that went from ☀️ to ⛈ fast

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