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Nat.r:girls,beach trip?
Likes 24M comments 24K

Steve.r:oh-my-gosh 😳
Wanda.m:I will def join and uuh Steve you good there bud
Carol.d:I'm in
Maria.h:same here
Pepper.p:jeez I've been waiting for this for so long and I will gladly join you ladies
Tony.s:pepper don't be mad but damn
Pepper.p:don't worry Tony I won't be  mad plus I totally agree with you damn

p:don't worry Tony I won't be  mad plus I totally agree with you damn

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Steve.r:look who I spotted while on the way to the beach
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Nat.r:your sneaky
Carol.d:you guys are literlly my otp
Pepper.p:same Carol same
Wanda.m:damn you look fine
Nat.r:guyysssssss stop it

(Pretend this was taken at the beach)

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(Pretend this was taken at the beach)

Tony.s:look who I spotted at the beach
Likes 34M comments 32K

Nat.r:gosh what is it finding and taking pictures of Natasha day
Carol.d:in fact it is
Bucky.b:I didn't get an invite to the  beach
Nat.r:sorry buck it was girls only

r:sorry buck it was girls only

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Liks 22M comments 23K

Steve.r:oh my gosh is it hot in here 😳
Wanda.m:gosh your really pretty like really really
Nat,r:I get this every single day and yet I don't know how I deal with you people
Steve.r:I don't know I guess I just got lucky an dim happy I did

r:I don't know I guess I just got lucky an dim happy I did

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Nat.r:photo shoot ;)
Likes 90M comments 90K

Steve.r:y-y-ye-s mommy
Bucky.b:oh my goodness😖
Carol.d:thats my wife everybody
Clint.b:that my best friend suckers
Wanda.m:oh laaawwwddd have mercy pleases
Bruce.b:nope nu uh I'm out
Thor.o:wow sir Steve you really got lucky
Sam.w:like really really lucky
Maria.h:Ooo it's getting hot in here 😳
Pepper.p:so hot

p:so hot

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Steve.r:my girl gives of mafia vibes
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Wanda.m:please mommy don't kill me
Carol.d:I promise I'm innocent
Maria.h:uuhhh god
Laura.b:dang Nat
Nat.r:what can I say
Bucky.b:how about  warn us when this happens and by this I mean you looking hot

b:how about  warn us when this happens and by this I mean you looking hot

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Nat.r:I love my alcohol
Likes 89M comments 57.9K

Steve,r:stop being so hot your distracting me  from my meeting with fury but yet again I can't resist your to pretty
Wanda.m:holy shit your in a meeting with fury god
Clint.b:bud beter take your eyes off your phone and litsen to him

b:bud beter take your eyes off your phone and litsen to him

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Nat.r:I don't know why but I just feel so happy today
Likes 45M comments 45K

Steve.r:you tryna kill me or what
Maria.h:I can tell that Steve is simping for you so much right now
Wanda.m:I agree with Maria
Carol.d:you guys are one hundred percent right

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