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Tony.s:I think she's mad
Tagged @Nat.r
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Pepper,p:Steve what you do
Maria.h:if you did something to my girl your dead boy you hear me
Nick.f:hill calm down,and what's up with romanoff  she on her time of the month or something
Wanda.m:I'm suprised you  even know what 'the time of the month' is dude

m:I'm suprised you  even know what 'the time of the month' is dude

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Steve.r:to the best girl in the world I love you
Tagged @Nat.r
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Wanda.m:y'all my otp
Pepper.p:so cute
Tony.s:forget I ever said this but,cuties
Thor.od:you two are really a perfect match
Bucky.b:yep match made in heaven 

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