Instagram part 1

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Steve.r:okay I want everybody to be honest who took this
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Wanda.m @Nat.r
Carol.d: @Nat.r
maria.h:@Nat .r
Nat.r:what are y'all fussing about
Nat,r:oh my gosh 😳😳
Steve.r:Nat did you take this picture of me
Steve.r:hmm own of you guys beter fess up
Tony.s:it was me hahahahaha I really wanted to see nats reaction to this
Wanda.m:oh shit fury

m:oh shit fury

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Wanda.m:oooohhhhh natashaaaaa
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Steve.r:do I look hot bby?
Nat.r:y-y-yes 😶
Pepper.p:and an oop
Nat,r:guys stop it fury is basically charging at you guys and he already said no phones so get your asses attention back to the director now before he kills every single one of who
Maria.h:I agree with nat he can be a hand full

h:I agree with nat he can be a hand full

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ony.s:Nat look
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Nat.r😳😳😳😳😳stoop iitttt
Maria.h:guys please this is enough
Wanda.m:yeah stop teasing Nat please it was fun at first but now it ain't
Clint.b:what's all the fuss about jeez
Pepper.p:Nat you alright
Nat.r:i-im f-fine t-thanks
Thor.o:look what you guys did you broke her

o:look what you guys did you broke her

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Clint.b:I'm so sorry for posting this Nat but damn
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Thor.o:stop it katniss
Bruce.b:okay okay enough please fury is charging at you Clint
Wanda.m:Nat you okay
Clint.b:uuh guys

b:uuh guys

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Clint.b:she's red as a tomato even more redder
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Tony.s:don't you dare Nat her
Wanda.m:down it's okay darling
Maria.h:guys fury we ate still at a ,meeting you know and he is not look in impressed
Pepper.p:wait we are I na meeting with I forgot everybody put their phones away and act like nothing happend Wanda,Maria,Carol you help Nat get her color back
Wanda.m:on it

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