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Hi everyone, This recreation is from episode 452......Do read story description before reading the first part.

Not proofread, ignore spelling and grammatical errors.

As she stepped out of Anubhav's house, she looked around to the festival at it's full bloom with colors spreaded everywhere. A drop of tear, which had been flooding in her eyes since Anubhav's bullet wound caught her sight, had flowed down from her eyes at last, followed by a mocking chuckle as she realized the brutal ploy of destiny- her suddenly turned colorless life amidst colorful atmosphere.

"Happy holi, Haseena madam!!" A middle aged woman's voice caught her attention who was standing in front of her wanting to apply some colors of gratitude on her.

Her greetings felt like sharp blades on her bare skin at that moment, "Ha....Happy Holi!!" She forced the words out of her throat with all her might, bend down to take her blessings.

"Always be happy!!" She wished her back placing her hands on her head lovingly.

Her wish was sounding a mocking to her; another drop of tear flowed down from her eyes but she wiped it away before standing up straight. Old woman forwarded her hand to apply some colors on her but she pulled herself away and added meekly, "one, from whom destiny itself had snatched all the colors on the day of colors, how can you color her," she finished flashing bruised smile, took the color from her plate, applied it on her face and walked ahead of her.

"I don't know what had happened with you but I wish strength and support for you," that lady prayed silently seeing her retreating figure.
His heroic entry like a knight in shining armor on the horse used to flutter even this strong woman's heart until the day; His dramatic proposal by sitting on his knees amidst a bunch of people right outside airport had blinded, even this independent woman, of his deeds until the day; His claims of love for her in front of her family in his choking voice and remorseful tears had overawed and misguided even this intelligent police officer until the day.

At that moment, Haseena Malik realized that despite of being strong, independent, genius investigator and Police officer, she had been easily fooled by him because of her emotions, just like any other random woman out there, and that too not once or twice but thrice at the hands of the same man. As much as hurting Anubhav's betrayel is too her this fact (that be it strong or oppressed, working lady or house maker- all women are equally prone to be exploited by their men because of their love and emotions) was also equally shameful and agonizing for her.

"Anubhav Singh!! You might have successfully bruised, weakened and humiliated the woman inside me but you are forgetting that this woman is not an ordinary one but a woman in uniform!! I might have reacted ordinarily to your love trap but I will not react the same way to your betrayel- both to me and to my country. If this heart can love you unconditionally than these hands can also take your life for you being the traitor. How dare you Anubhav Singh? How dare you to think that you can damage my country until I am alive!!!!!!" Her eyes were red with anger, tearful out of pain while every bit of her soul was mourning over her loss- loss of the love of her life. She wiped her tears with the back of her palm, "i need to get the drive. I can't let him get it!!" she thought to herself and rushed to MPT.

Sneaking herself from all eyes she reached to the drive in the cupboard and escaped the station not before ruining Karishma's bike, unknowingly closing her routes to get assisstance.
Otherside, in his house the moment he looked at his bleeding bullet wound, it was not a big deal for him to understand that Haseena had understood his ploy so, he had also raced towards MPT. karishma who has been waiting for him to handover the drive to his brother, apparently for catching her madam sir's culprits, was a bit surprised at his indifferent behaviour. However ignoring it they both forwarded towards the cupboard where she had hid the drive.

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