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Hello everyone! hope everyone is doing good. Majority of you either wants Kareena love story or wants to read my version of Kareena love story. So, I am going with that only. However, those who wants their friendship will not be disappointed too as I am a fan of their friendship bond too. 

Happy reading. 

Not proofread, ignore spelling and grammar mistakes

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It was past 8 in the morning, sun rays were seeping through the windows into the room. In the cozy room, under the light pink and white cover, Haseena was in deep slumber; Her hands were placed lazily away from her on the pillow next to her; Her left leg was bent at her knee, completing a triangle with her right leg.

"Urmila." Karishma stepped into the room in a tracksuit while wiping sweat beads from her forehead. As she was placing the towel on the table, her eyes fell on asleep Haseena. She crossed her arms to her chest, a smile adorning her lips as she was adoring her. "Urmilla is so much in contrast to Haseena: carefree soul, Without layers, Bubbly, Easy to understand... With her there are no inhibitions" She took a relieved breath; Her smile widened as she moved closer to the bed.

"Urmilla, get up lazy bum. We'll be late." Karishma pulled off the cover from her. "Umm!!" Haseena's forehead creased, and without opening her eyes she turned to the other side. Karishma looked at the water jug placed at the side table; a smirk appeared on her face and her eyes shone.

The next instant Karishma emptied all of it straight on Urmilla's face. "Haaah!!! Bloody Hell." With a deep sigh, Urmilla sat up with a jerk. "HaHaHaHa!! What a priceless expression." Karishma mocked her and ran away.

"You..." With gritted teeth, Urmilla threw the pillow right at her face. "Ouch!!" Karishma rubbed her nose and glared at Urmilla who laughed loudly in response. Karishma picked up the pillow, locked her eyes with Urmilla, and started stepping toward her while grinding the pillow with her both hands.

"Aabb... Look... don't..." she fumbled, crept backward, and tried to warn her by pointing her index finger and raising her eyebrows. Without breaking eye contact, Karishma reached close to her, sat on the bed in front of her, and tilted her face forward until a couple of inch gap was left between the two.

Urmilla was feeling tingling sensations all over her skin as if Karishma's warm breath on her neck had initiated a chain reaction. She could see Karishma's hand approaching her earlobe; Her breathing stopped and sweat beads started appearing on her face.

With a devilish smirk on her face, Karishma placed the hand on the bedrest behind her, took her lips closer to Urmilla's ears, almost brushing them. Urmilla's lips turned into 'O' but before a moan could escape them, she at once bit them. "Messing with Karishma Singh isn't a good idea." Karishma moved away from her but her low, deep and husky voice descended deep down to her groin which twitched at the assault and Urmilla shut her eyes.

Urmilla came back to reality upon Karishma's surprised voice, "Hey, What happened to you? Your face is red as burning coal... sweat beads... swollen breaths... Are you alright? Fever...Do you have a fever?"

Urmilla saw Karishma moving towards her once again, apparently to touch her forehead. She at once tugged her head down, escaped from Karishma's touch and rolled out of the bed. "I am perfectly fine." Huffing with a flushed face, she ran to the bathroom.

"Arey!!" Karishma was standing there with confused expressions. "Insane girl!!" She rolled her eyes with a smile and walked out of the room.

"Did she even realize the havoc she had created in me?" Her one arm at her lower abdomen, she was wiping her sweat with the other, and her breathing was still hitched. The next instant she strode to the shower. Cold water fell on her muscles, and helped her to calm her burning desires.

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