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Hello everyone, happy reading!!

Not proofread, ignore spelling and grammatical errors

Standing at the door of the emergency room, Karishma was peeping into it through glass mirror, endless tears were streaming from her eyes, shoulder were tilted to the ground, sudden waves of tremor were hitting her body and her heart was throbbing in her chest.

It was then Pushpa ji alongwith Santosh and Cheetah reached there. "What happened? Why you called us in hospital? Are you alright? And this... This wound on forehead how you got it?" Pushpa ji bombarded her with numerous questions as soon as she saw her. At the very next moment, she found Karishma in her arms, shedding tears on her shoulders increasing her mother in law's worries. Santosh and Cheetah who was unable to understand what made their strong Karishma madam to break like that, stepped ahead to look into the emergency room, "Urmilla!!" Santosh gasped seeing her unconscious on bed.

Hearing her Pushpa ji gets more worried, she had forcefully.brought her out of her embrace and asked lovingly cupping her face in her hands, "Karishma!! Beta!! Stop crying, it's okay, nothing will happen to her, she is a tough woman.....hmm? Come on wipe these tears!!" She paused and wiped them away with her own hands and then asked softly, "Now tell me, what happened?"
"A....Anu....Anubhav Singh !!! He.....he was the master mind.....my brother was the traitor!!.... He was the one to hack Meera and got her shot my Haseena!!!.....My own brother!!...." With a mix of love and hatred, anger and pain she narrated them whatever happened a few moments ago, "I had shot him to death!!! Because of him my Haseena is in this state....I....I hate him!!" She screamed and started crying giving her face in her palms.
Hearing her addressing her as Haseena, they got shocked. Pushpa ji asked, "you mean Urmilla is in this state, right?" "No, she is not Urmilla but Haseena!!" Creases appeared on Pushpa ji's head while Santu and Cheetah sighed heavily hearing her assuming it to be her false belief. "You must have been misunderstood, She is Urmilla, She can't be Haseena!!" "Oh really, then will you enlighten me that how come she had fired the bullet?" Karishma asked irritated. "All of that I don't know but I know one thing that she is nowhere even near to madam sir, she had died months ago and today her culprit has also died so, now you have to move on in life." Pushpa ji announced sternly.

"Okay, you don't believe me right, then wait for a while, she will tell you the truth herself when she will get consciousness .... just wait." Karishma too retorted stubbornly not knowing another battle is awaiting for her.

Cheetah and Santu were looking at each other hearing them unable to understand how to convince Karishma, as they too believe that she is Urmilla only.

"Patient has gained consciousness but..." Nurse was yet to complete however none waited and ran inside, shrugging her shoulders she moved ahead to call the doctor. Haseena was lying on bed with closed eyes when Karishma entered her room. Seeing her head wrapped in white bandage and painful expressions on her face, tears started streaming down from her eyes to her cheeks while everyone else were shocked and confused not knowing what to expect and what not.

Upon feeling someone's presence around her, she opened her eyes and started staring at their expressive faces. She locked her eyes with Pushpa ji and could see a little worry in her eyes. Next she looked at Santosh and Cheetah, a little worry and alot of confusion, was clearly visible on their faces. Before she could say or do anything, she felt two arms around her neck of a uniformed lady who was crying on her shoulder.
Karishma's crying had started creating uneasiness and restlessness in herself. Unknown to herself, she  was feeling strong urge of holding her and consoling her, to stop her cries. She wrapped her arms around her and started tapping her head on her shoulder lovingly. But her own behaviour was disturbing her and she felt a strong wave of headache in her brain, "Ahhh!!" a moan escaped her lips and she at once held her head in an attempt to relieve her pain a little.
"Madam sir!! Y...you.... Are you alright? Do...doctor!!" Getting extremely worried she ended up screaming his name.

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