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Hello everyone, thank you for patiently waiting for me to continue my stories. I have missed my loyal readers and their comments. So, without delaying any further let's first get into the chapter. After that i have a question for you. 

Not proofread, ignore errors. 

In the city hospital's waiting area, Karishma was sitting on the chair beside a plant-pot clenching the edges of the chair; she was blankly gazing at the reflection of the closed door of the emergency room on the tiled floor.

Pushpa ji took a deep sigh of guilt seeing her still body and white knuckles; the fact that Haseena's condition has worsened because of her was paining her heart. Karishma's silent struggle to hold on to the ray of hope till the end of time was not hidden from Pushpa ji, and she was proud of her daughter-in-law at her evolved personality, at her loyalty for her duty, and at her intense love for her mentor and best friend.

She walked to her, sat beside her, and caressed her head softly. As soon as her eyes fell on Karishma's deadpan eyes, her heart palpitated. "She will be alright, Karishma." Karishma listened to her, and turned her face back without responding.

Tears welled up in Pushpa ji's eyes; she forcefully turned her towards herself and embraced her in her arms. "I am sorry. When I should be your support system, I was standing against you. I am sorry for not believing you. My fear of losing you got the worst of me. Please forgive me beta."

Karishma pulled herself away from her and wiped her tears. "I am not upset with you; not even a bit. Calm down!" Pushpa ji looked at her dangerous composure and silence, and wished silently, "Please Madam sir, Please get well soon... Karishma is slipping in trauma... she needs your support... only you can heal her."

"Doctor, How is she?" Pushpa ji asked the moment they saw him coming out. Karishma was looking at him expectantly holding onto her breath.

"Now she is stable but it should not have happened. Her memory condition has worsened. Keep her away from stress and don't push her to remember her past. She is thinking of herself Urmilla, right? Then treat her like that only."

"We will keep that in mind." Pushpa ji glanced at Karishma whose eyes were stuck on Haseena's pale face.

"Can I meet her?" She shifted her weight from her right foot to her left foot and strode inside the moment the doctor nodded.

Her eyes were glued to the sleeping figure of Haseena as she was walking towards her. Unwantedly, flashbacks returned to her.

"Forgive me Karishma Singh!!" bleeding profusely from her bullet wounds and wriggling in pain, she pushed Karishma out of the car which crashed in a deep valley and burnt in ashes.

Wounded Anubhav pushed himself up and shot his last bullet at Haseena. Though Karishma pushed her away from the bullet. However, it touched her forehead costing her memory.

"The pain you had to go through because of Haseena made me wish your belief to be wrong because if it is true I would never be able to take a single breath free of guilt for the rest of my life. But then the next moment I witnessed your intense desire to get Haseena back and it made me wish to get Haseena's memories immediately... Want... T... Lessen... pain... Sorry" she completed locking her eyes with hers and then went unconscious in Santu's arms.

"I am so worthless, Madam sir. All three times, I was there with you but failed to save you from any harm. Since you stepped into my life, All I ever wanted was to protect you and I have always tried to be prepared for that. But I failed... I couldn't protect you... I am so useless." Her head was at Haseena's right hand, and her endless tears were wetting the hand and the bed beneath it.

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