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Hi everyone, I hope you are doing below and enjoy.

Not proofread, ignore spelling and grammatical errors.

Otherside, in Karishma's absence other members of MPT was doing what they find right, unknowingly making it more difficult for Karishma to remind Haseena of her real self.

"Tell me Urmilla, have you remembered something!!" Pushpa ji asked after giving her a whole tour of the station, along with Cheetah and Santu.

Bandage tied on her head, Urmilla, who was earlier giving them utterly confused look, responded being surprised, "you mean to say that, I am look a like of your S.H.O Haseena Malik whom you brought from Mumbai, where I run a food stall of vada paw, so that you can catch your senior's murderer. How dramatic!!" She rolled her eyes, moved ahead and added, "Anyways, I am unable to remember anything!!"

As she tried to put pressure on her mind it started aching, "Ahhh!!" She moaned holding her head in her palms.

"Relax, don't put too much pressure, come have some rest. Don't worry very soon you will remember everything," Pushpa ji consoled her and put her to rest in gym room.

"We need to do something to help her remember," Pushpa ji shared her thoughts with Santosh and Cheetah and added, "I want her to remember her self as early as possible so that I could sent her back to Lukhnow very soon. More she will stay here, more difficult it will be for Karishma to move on in life."

"You are right Pushpa ji, Karishma madam must accept that we have lost madam sir forever!! It is that bitter truth and she must learn to live with it," Santosh seconded her.  "I have an idea," he narrated. "Hmm!! I think we should try and anyways we don't have any other solution." Pushpa ji agreed and together they moved towards gym room.

In gym room Haseena was lying on bed, but sleep was very far from her eyes, her head was aching terribly and her mind was roaming at Pushpa ji's words about her.

It was then she heard, "Urmilla??" from Pushpa ji. Wiping away the unshed tears from the corner of her eyes, she at once sat up straight, "h...hmm!! What is it?"

"Look at this video may be you remembered something!!" Hearing Santosh, she glanced at the mobile in her hand and rolled her eyes irritated. "Just try one last time, please!!" Pushpa ji insisted sensing her frustration and irritation. She nodded at her and started watching the video.

It was the video of a loud lady of almost her age, selling vada paw on a footstall on the street of Mumbai. The language accent, the crowd, her loudness, the vada paw; Pushpa ji and her team had been successful in triggering Urmilla's memory.

As she looks deeper into the video, she saw herself at one such food stall, twice in matter of a minute but the moment video ended everything went blank once again. She once again played the video desperately but this time nothing came back.

"What? What happened? You remembered something right??" Pushpa ji asked hopefully.

"Nothing, just a minute visual of myself like this woman in the video!!" She responded dejectedly and threw the mobile away, "this is not going to work, please stop trying and leave me alone!!" She added loudly in frustration and once again gave her head in her palms.

Pushpa ji gestured and they all moved out of the room.

Later at night, Cheetah was sleeping as usual on his chair while billu was drinking alcohol in his lockup.

Inside gym room, Haseena was unable to sleep and was getting restless so she decided to have a walk. "Wow!! What an active Police, they are....sleeping at duty!!" She rolled her eyes on him and walked past him, "oye...what are you doing...?" She called billu while entering his lockup.

"No....I won't give you again for free ...." As soon as he saw her, he picked up his bottle and started stumbling back from her taking precautionary measures after his experience from last two months but Haseena hadn' t given him any chance, snatched the bottle from him, smelled it and then gulped it down, "gone!!!" Billu exclaimed sadly and sat down on the floor only with his head in  his palms.

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