Urmilla- A version of Haseena Malik

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Hi everyone, how are you all? I know a lot has happened since I last updated. It has been a very long wait and I am extremely sorry for that. Due to my personal issues I wasn't in right frame of mind to write anything.

If you don't remember what had happened till now, then do take a quick recap before moving ahead.

Not proofread, ignore errors

Another set of tears rolled down her eyes, "but you didn't trust me even a bit that you can tell me the truth... You were the witness of my pain... You were seeing me breaking apart... You knew that I was dying bit by bit... but you didn't shared anything with me..." a painful sob escaped her lips and she closed her mouth with her both hands as she didn't want her sleep to be distributed. Hurt by her only, she was taking care of her, "Please, Get well soon before I lose myself...I need you madam sir, I need you," she whispered and left the room.

Just as Karishma left, the moonlight that was seeping through the window faded beneath the clouds; swinging curtains suddenly became sedentary; with closed door, ventilation stopped; she started turning and tossing on the bed. A few moments later her cramped legs and suffocated lungs woke her up with a jerk, "Karishma!!" an involuntary whisper escaped her mouth and she rotated her wide open eyes all across the room.

Faint sobbing sound blew away the rest of her sleep and she strode out of the room, open haired and bare footed.

Led by sounds of crying, she crossed the hallway outside her room, the lounge, the staircase and reached on terrace in a few seconds with heavy breath.

Clouds were exceptionally dark that night; large tree was bowed towards that corner of the terrace and the floor covered by its two large branches was wet. She followed its cue and looked at that direction; there she was curled up to a ball by clenching tightly on to the frame and crying hysterically. Suddenly her legs lost their mass and she sat down there only.

"Haseena, I have lost you and Anu bhayya both at the same time; I have killed the one and the other one have broken me by her deciet.. Were I just a toy to you with whom you can play? If you have to crush my heart then why had you watered it with all the love, care and patience? The spring had just budded and Urmilla had burnt everything,"

With eyes closed, head supported at inside of the wall, Haseena's heart was melting and Urmilla's mind was numbing by Karishma's words. Some minutes later, she heard Karishma's breathing getting abnormally heavy followed by a series of heavy coughing.

She at once leapt towards her and freaked out seeing her face getting almost blue, "what... What happened? Chatak Chandni... This..." Just then she felt her instincts saying something to her. Leaving her there only, she ran to Karishma's room and in a minute returned with her asthma pump.

She was sitting there only by scooping her in her arms and patting her back. Few minutes later, her breaths returned to normalcy and sleep took over her. Her head on her Haseena's heart and her body perfectly fitted in her arms, she got the warmth for which she had been yearning for months. She picked her sleeping figure in her arms, put her to bed, and sat beside her holding her hand.

"Chatak Chandni, you need Haseena so,  you will get her tomorrow," she thought determined and gave a soft kiss on her forehead.

Next morning, Karishma's sleep got disturbed due to sunlight and just as she was about to move to get away from it, she felt something heavy upon herself. "Haseena!" She whispered and her mind went to the last night's happenings. "How did she know about my asthma? How she get that pump in time?" A question popped in her mind and raised a ray of hope in her heart.

By the time Haseena woke up and the moment their eyes met, she read the questions all over her face. "I know Karishma Singh, you are wondering how I get your pump when I don't remember anything," she said still gazing her intently to which Karishma nodded, holding on to her breath.

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