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Hello everyone, hope you are doing well these days.

I have shed some grey light on Pushpa ji's Character. Some of you may not like it so my apologies beforehand.

Not proofread, ignore spelling and grammatical errors if any

In DSP's office, Karishma was having a meeting with him. "Karishma Singh, what happened with Ms. Malik is very unfortunate. I wish she regain her memories soon but right now she is not in a condition so I want you to investigate this case." He handed a file to her and added, "Alongwith this case you have to manage your Police Station also. I am sure you don't want your Police station to be closed in Ms. Malik's absence."

"Sure sir, I won't let you down," Karishma assured her and left his cabin after saluting him.

"Though I have assured him but how will I manage everything.... department, police station, Madam sir's health and the conflict in MPT..... Madam sir, please come back..... It's too difficult...." with creased forehead and wet eyes, she was exiting the corridor and these thoughts were roaming in her head.

Other side, in Market, Urmilla spotted Gajju threatening small stall owners and shop keepers on the name of his Aunt Head constable Pushpa Singh and MPT.

She started recording him by hiding behind a stall. At one point, shopkeepers refuses to give him money. He at once dialed Pushpa ji's number and said, "Mami!! I have told you about my new business right? In that case, I came here to take my money but they are not giving me."

"Rascal!! How expertly he is manipulating Pushpa ji...." Urmilla aka Haseena mumbled to herself.

"Oh idiot!! You don't know me yet, I am head constable Pushpa Singh, if you had not returned my nephew's money to him, you will see the worse of me....Give him the money or next time you have to face my daughter in law, S.I. Karishma Singh..." Pushpa ji retorted angrily completely unaware that he was taking extortion on her name.

Urmilla hit her head with her palm, "wow!! Gajju had dragged his Mami along with him who had dragged her daughter in law. And needless to say, with them MPT will be victimized, if this comes out..."

"I should do something....Wait....but Why?....I am not Haseena Malik.... I am Urmilla who they don't need anymore. In fact, she was refusing me for money, let her get trapped in this...."with this thought she placed her mobile back in her pocket, shrugged her shoulders and started walking ahead.

Just then out of nowhere, a little girl came infront of her extremely excited, "Oh my goodness!!! S.H.O. Haseena Malik.....mam, I can't believe I am seeing you live....Can I touch you?" Urmilla was too shocked to react.

Before she could do anything, that girl held her both hands and added while jumping excitedly, "madam I am your big fan.... autograph!! Yes....can you give me autograph!!" She squealed happily and forwarded a pen and notebook to her.

"But...." She tried to refuse but stopped seeing her innocent expecting face and took them from her hand, "I am Urmilla.....how can I give autograph on Haseena's name....but I don't want to break her heart too," she thought while putting the pen on the page and just she could think of anything else her fingers had so flawlessly put Haseena Malik's signature on the paper. "How I did this??" another question popped in her mind to confuse her with her own identity.

"Thank you so much didi!!" that girl hugged her then saluted her and left from there while standing there she felt as if this had happened before too.

"How much people respect Haseena Malik? What will they think of her, when they will find out that her Police station is involved in extortion. No, no, this is not right....though I am not Haseena Malik but I am her look alike....I can do something to save Police station and it's image," she mumbled to herself.

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