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Hi everyone, hope you guys are doing great... It's a very long part. I am sure you will like it. First read the disclaimer then the update of 8000+ words. In the end I have mentioned a special request with a hope that you guys will answer me honestly. 

Disclaimer: I respect all the soldiers and members of law enforcement agencies who sacrifice their lives to protect their homeland and to keep it secure for civilians. No character or event in this story resembles with real life and I do not intend to hurt the sentiments of any individual, country or community. There will be some dark revelations regarding the character of 'Anubhav Singh' in this and the following updates. This twist is important for the upcoming story line. I hope you will understand this point but still if any of you is a huge fan of the character of Anubhav Singh and Anuseena and cannot see him in negative shade then please avoid reading this story. 

Not proofread, ignore spelling and typos.





The confidential file was in front of her, as Karishma was on her desk engrossed in it. Her phone rang and she picked up without looking at the ID, "Hello."

"Madam, I got some mind blowing news." She could hear her informer's proud voice from the other end.

"Look, don't irritate me... Tell me what it is and I will decide if it is mind blowing or not." Lines of creases were visible on her face, and she encircled something on the file with pencil.

"Madam, a drug deal worth billions is going to happen tonight in the Red Ruby club."

"Look, if it turns out to be fake news then I will send you into outer space." When Karishma was threatening him in her usual style, Urmilla reached there and listened to her last words.

As Karishma hung up, Urmila asked her about the matter. "None of your concern." Karishma took the file and moved to the gym room.

"Oh hello madam, I am SSO..." Urmila followed her. "First, it's called S.H.O and second, Haseena Malik is S.H.O not you." Karishma reached to the door of the gym room, turned, and closed it on her face.

"You can't escape from me... Our destinies have been tied together, I would continue to stick around you even after death by being a ghost." Urmila laughed loudly but it was only for a brief second until Karishma opened the door with her fiery gaze.

Karishma held her through her shoulders and pinned her to the wall, "Is death a joke for you or do you feel joy in my pain." Karishma gritted with her blazing eyes. Urmila could feel her throat dried under Karishma who was looking no less than a fiery goddess.

As soon as Urmilla locked her eyes with Karishma's, she realized the intense pain her words must have caused her. She saw fear of losing her in Karishma's eyes and it overwhelmed her. An instant set of tears rolled down from her eyes.

she whispered audibly to Karishma, "I promise I won't leave you. I will be with you as long as you need me." Tears trickled down from Karishma's eyes at Urmila's words; once again her innocent and honest expression had touched Karishma.

She left her shoulders, wiped her tears and added, "I don't know if I hate you, Urmi, for always making me emotional or I love you for always conveying my madam sir's real emotions to me." The next instant she stormed out of the station leaving behind a stunned Urmila.

"Urmila... Haseena..." She chuckled with teary eyes. "My life got stuck between these two names. And I don't know how long I had to dangle in these two boats." Tears that were in her eyes rolled down to her cheeks as she slid down along the wall and sat on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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