Chapter 16

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Jordan invited me to the game tonight against the clippers so I was currently getting ready.

"Titi!" Nalas voice could be heard as her little feet ran down the hall.

"Yes baby?" I turned away as she opened the bedroom door.

"What ya doin?" She said in her little sassy voice as she jumped up on the bed.

"Getting ready to go out, what you doing?"

"Where you think your going missy?" She playfully snapped back.

"Girl I am grown." I laughed as I sprayed my perfume, "and remember Jordy?"

"Yes!" She smiled big as she swung her legs back and forth.

"I'm going to one of his basketball games."

"Ooh can I come?" She batted her eyes.

"Not tonight baby but I promise titi will take you to one of the games."

"Okay!" She smiled before hopping off the bed and running out the room.

I checked my outfit in the mirror to make sure I looked right. I wore a pair of ripped jeans with Jordan's jersey, the black edition, and my Air Force 1's. It was a very simple and casual outfit but cute at the same time with my accessories added.

I took a little peek at my bump before giving it a rub, "ready for daddy's game little one."

As if they understood a soft kick was felt. Instantly tears started rolling down my face.

"Awe you know mommy's talking to you?" I questioned as I felt for another kick.

I really wish Jordan was here to experience this moment with me.

I walked into the arena heading straight for the tunnel I was too excited to let Jordan know our little one started to kick.

"Excuse me ma'am what's your name?" The security guard stopped me as I finally approached the entrance of the tunnel.

"She's with us."

I looked up to see Ayesha and Draymonds wife Hazel standing behind the security guard.

"Oh alright ladies, have a good night." He smiles before he moved aside.

"Naila right? It's so nice to finally meet you I heard so much about you." Ayesha smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"Awe really? Nice to meet y'all too." I smiled hugging Ayesha back before hugging Hazel.

"How's pregnancy treating you?" Hazel asked as we walked down the tunnel.

"It's been good so far, felt the baby kick for the first time today which was cool." I smiled as the thought of it.

"Awe really those are the best." Ayesha cooed.

We made it to the locker room and Jordan came walking over to me.

"Hey babygirl." He kissed my forehead pulling me into a hug. "Hey little man." He bent down kissing my stomach.

"Guess what." I smiled holding my stomach as I felt the baby move around.

"What?" He raised his eyebrow looking at me with concern.

I grabbed his hand placing it on my stomach, "hey baby show daddy our surprise."

A huge smile appeared on Jordan's face as I felt the baby kick.

"Was that the baby?" He rubbed my stomach some more as the baby kicked again.

"Oh wow." He mumbled softly. "You telling daddy to have a good game?" He cooed before he kissed my stomach again.

"It feels so surreal right?" I smiled

"Yeah it's kinda cool." He nervously chuckled.

"You good?" I raised my eyebrows in concern as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, much better now that I know my little man is in there rooting for me."

"We're all rooting for you."

"Come on J let's go!" I screamed as Jordan dribbled the ball down the court.

I watched as he passed the ball to Steph who dribbled around for a little passing it back to Jordan at the top of the key.

Jordan threw the ball up hitting the three pointer before being knocked to the floor.

"Wheres the foul ref!" I yelled in frustration as the crowd erupted.

Jordan got back up catching up to the guys on the other end.

Draymond blocked the shot and the crowd went crazy.

Juan quickly grabbed the rebound throwing it down the court to Jordan.




Jordan three the ball up from half court.

It felt like everything was going in slow motion as the ball went in.

"Yess!" I jumped up and down as Ayesha and Hazel cheered.

He looked over to me before tapping his chest and sending me a kiss.

I don't know if it was my little surprise earlier but Jordan was on fire tonight and I was here for it.

"Look at her cheering on her man!" Hazel nudged Ayesha as they both looked me me smiling.

"The father of my child." I jokingly corrected.

"Mmhm girl." We laughed

We all put our attention back on the game as the boys headed back on the court.

Jordan looked back over at me and I sent him a smile as we both held up the number 3.

"Let's go J! You got this boys!"

The game was over and the boys won 113-93 and Jordan dropped 30 he had an amazing game.

I waited outside the locker room scrolling on Instagram to past time.

Because Jordan had such an outstanding game they interviewed him after the game so it took him a little longer than the rest to get back to the locker room.

"You ready?" I look up seeing Jordan with his Duffle bag on his shoulder.

"Yeah." I stood up as he walked over to me snaking his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm proud of you, you killed it tonight." I smiled softly looking up at him as I broke the comfortable silence.

"Thank you baby girl." He leaned down placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You free for the rest of the night right?" He asked as he pushed open the door for me to walk through.

"Yup." I said popping the p.

"Good, I wanna go celebrate" he smiled wide as he opened my car door for me, "go home and get dressed I'll be by in an hour to come pick you up."

"Is it a date?" I smirked playfully

"Something like that." He leaned down kissing my stomach, "be safe I'll see you in a little." He moved a piece of hair that fell in my face before softly kissing my forehead.

"You too." I softly smiled at him as he stepped back to close my door.

I watched as he walked in the direction of his car before I pulled out.

Heyy y'all! I'm so sorry for the long awaited update I had writer's block so bad and just a lot going on so I took a little break but I'm back!

Y'all can expect another chapter very soon but I hope y'all enjoy this one!

Out of the Blue •Jordan Poole•Where stories live. Discover now