[ 004 ] fake it flowers

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IV.      fake it flowers
[ season 2, episode 2 ]

          "What do you want, Miller?" Steve demanded haughtily, storming toward his car.

Steph followed after the Harrington, curious to know what had dampened his typically uplifted spirits in such a violent way. It was very uncharacteristic for him; she almost thought she was looking at someone else. And the only thing usual about the situation as a whole was Steve's unwillingness to speak to Steph in a civilised manner ── everything else was unusual. His mood, his crestfallen expression, and the way he hesitated to continue onward when the girl with crazy hair rushed to follow him.

By now, he should have been half way down the street, taking any opportunity he could to escape her. That was why Steph refrained from spitting teasing remarks his way.

Something was wrong.

"I didn't think the new kid got to you this much." she admitted softly.

Steve whipped around instantaneously, eyes narrowing as his expression morphed into one of pure incredulity, "Billy Hargrove? You seriously think I care what that jackass has to say about me?"

She raised her shoulders in a feeble shrug, convinced otherwise, "Yes."

"Well," Steve puffed his cheeks out, heart still thundering in his chest in the wake of the events of the night, as he plunged the key into the car's lock. "I don't."

"Okay." Steph answered sceptically.

He glared at her, hand perched on the curvature of the car door. There was a notable difference in the way they conversed with one another tonight ── something that Steve found to be somewhat relieving. After his argument with Nancy in the bathroom just moments prior, he was seriously unable to tolerate the possibility of bickering with Steph.

He gestured to the car, "Do you need a ride?"

Steph quirked a brow, catching onto the reluctant twinge in his voice. She scrutinised him carefully, before saying, "Yeah, if you're offering."

A nod from Steve confirmed it.

Steph slipped into the passenger seat, shutting the door to the chilling darkness of the night. She rubbed her hands together awkwardly when Steve pressed his foot against the clutch and turned the ignition. He curled his fingers around the steering wheel, but didn't yet pull off into the street ── something evidently clouding his mind.

Steph finally gave in to the curiosity, twisting around in the passenger seat to face him, "So, you're seriously telling me Billy didn't tarnish your ego?"

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