[ 006 ] the escape artist

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VI.      the escape artist
[ season 2, episode 3 & 4 ]

          On the morning after Halloween, a singular piece of folded paper slipped out from Lucia Delgado's locker.

She came to the quick assumption that the assholes in the grade above her had scrawled down teasing remarks onto the paper, shoving it into her locker as a surprise for when she opened it. Unfortunately, that had happened once before, and she was sure it would happen again.

However, much to her astonishment, the paper was a formal invite.

Meet us at the AV club. Lunch. Don't bring food! From Dustin.

Lucia's brow tightened out of confusion ── unaware she was close enough to the chaotic group of boys to meet them beyond accidental run-ins. Dustin thought different, clearly. She wondered briefly if Mad Max would have been given the same invitation, which she was sure would tussle Mike Wheeler's thinning patience. He didn't like having the girls around, that much was obvious.

With a sigh, Lucia looked down at her watch. It was lunch now, meaning the note had likely been shoved into her locker last minute. It hadn't been there during first, second or third period. Not to mention, the AV club was in an entirely different block.

She tucked the invitation into her pocket and hastily took off down the hallways.

These new friends . . . they were exciting as much as they were different. In the past, she tended to stick in with the crowds, mixing with people who were deemed normal amongst the judgemental school population. Dustin and his cronies were on an entirely different level of bizarre ── everything they did caused Lucia to quirk a wondrous brow. They weren't even on the richter scale of normal. But, to be true to herself, she found them easiest to be around, no matter their divergence. She didn't have to put up an act.

They accepted her for who she was, and that truly warmed her heart.

With this in mind, she skidded to a stop outside of the AV room, already hearing a chorus of overexcited voices mumbling inside. She tried the handle, but found it was locked. It only took one knock on the oak frame for someone to hurtle forward to meet the new arrival, cracking the door open only slightly.

A pair of frenzied brown eyes gazed up at Lucia.

"Uh, hi?"

Dustin skipped over greetings and unnecessary conversations, instead ripping the door open.

As soon as Lucia was safely inside of the stuffy AV room, Dustin hastily slammed the door behind her. In a flash, the boy rushed toward the desk pushed into the centre of the room, where the rest of the party were gathered. Amongst them was Max ── who Lucia quickly gravitated to.

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