[ 005 ] better luck next time

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V. better luck next time
[ season 2, episode 3 ]

The shrill squeal of Ms Davidson's whistle announced the halftime break of the women's soccer game. Steph's team were winning by a mile ── with the points currently standing at 3-0. Since she played soccer in her free time for the Hawkins High team, she had been chosen as team captain for the blue-bibs, meaning they were at an immediate advantage over the red-bibs.

Her teammates were semi-decent players. A girl by the name of Ruth was also a player for the school's team, and Steph had instantaneously picked her from the lineup prior to the start of the game. They were both fiercely headstrong and competitive when it came to sports, leading to several clashes during the most intense parts of the soccer game, but nothing too inconsolable.

As striker, Ruth had managed to score two goals, and Steph one. The remaining members of the team merely wandered around the pitch, kicking the ball occasionally, certainly not as bothered by the outcome as Steph and Ruth.

They left all the hard work to the experts.

In the gymnasium, the guys were playing basketball. And in the mix of sweaty competitors, there was Billy Hargrove. He proved to be a major distraction to the girls participating in soccer outside ── seeing as the gym door was cracked open and they could clearly see him ( running around topless ) from their sporadic positions on the pitch. Making matters all the more worse, Billy smirked over at the giggling band of soccer players every two seconds, with the captains of each team yelling for the absentminded swoons to pass the ball.

He was causing problems everywhere he went. It was his speciality, it seemed.

As the teams dispersed for halftime, Steph rolled her eyes in irritation.

"I seriously don't see the appeal with Billy," Ruth declared, running forward to fall into step with her fellow comrade. "Like, he's just not attractive. Not even from certain lights."

Steph snorted, wiping her sweaty brow with the back do her hand, "Careful. The seniors will murder you behind the science block if they overhear."

"I'll take my chances."

The duo walked side by side, following the gravel path encircling the gymnasium building, talking about their plan for the next half of the game. A flock of girls were standing by the gym door, exchanging high-pitched squeals of admiration upon seeing the infamous Hargrove. Steph happened to gaze inside the building out of interest, and saw Billy attempting to knock over Steve Harrington, the opposition, with an intimidating swerve of the basketball. Unfortunately, he succeeded in his attempt, and Steve's shoes screeched against the shiny floorboards as he toppled over and onto his backside.

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