[ 008 ] something in the way

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VIII. something in the way
[ season 2, episode 5 & 6 ]

"Please, for the love of God, get it over with already."

Steph was unbuckling her seatbelt in frustration as Steve reiterated the speech he had prepared for Nancy for the umpteenth time in that short and suffocatingly irritating journey, trying to perfect the apologetic words to the absolute best of his ability. Which . . . wasn't very great.

He sighed wistfully and looked down at the crimson plume of flowers, reminding himself of the entire purpose as to why he had parked up beside the Wheelers house. 

To win Nancy back.

"Wish me luck."

"I'm coming with you, idiot." Steph retorted, rolling her eyes.

Despite Steve's sputtering protests, she shoved aside the car door, stepping out onto the asphalt. Even the roads were sophisticated ── smooth and entirely litter-less, with only the most debonair of vehicles seen dotted across the esteemed street. In comparison to Steph's rundown estate, Nancy's place of residency was something comparable to the White House.

She glanced over at Steve, watching as he nervously ran a hand through his noticeably more tamed hair.

"Go knock on the door!" she ordered briskly, throwing her arm out toward Nancy's house in exasperation. "Don't just stand there."

"Okay, Mom."

Steph narrowed her eyes at his childish bickering, but didn't bother retorting.

Instead, she watched Steve slowly pick his way across the idyllic front yard. His lips were moving fast, which could only indicate one thing ── he was going over his ridiculously corny speech yet again. An apology of sorts, even though he wasn't the one in the wrong. Nancy had been the one to infiltrate his thoughts with poisonous words, not the other way around. What the hell did he have to be sorry about?

Ah, but you see ── Steph reminded herself that she didn't actually care. Their waning relationship was amusing to watch unfold from the sidelines, and resolving it was Steve's responsibility, not her's.

She sighed heavily.

The only reason she had agreed to tag along was because she and Nancy were well overdue a study session. Steph was flunking Biology miserably, and Nancy seemed to be the one person patient enough to run through the complicated topics. Not to mention, she had an assignment about the nitrogen cycle due in five days that she was yet to start. The Wheeler genius was her last hope.

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