[ 009 ] the calm before

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IX.      the calm before
[ season 2, episode 6 ]

          Lucia and Max decided to get ice-cream on the weekend. It gave them more time to meander around the measly town of Hawkins, and made it easier to escape Lucas's vain attempts at luring them back into the group.

Although, Lucia was almost certain Max was hiding something. She avoided eye contact at all costs, especially when the Delgado mentioned the boys.

But nevertheless, the pair shared the sidewalk outside of the sweet treats store, using their feet to roll Max's skateboard along the gravel path. Lucia had bought a strawberry ice cream, and Max had opted for the mint chocolate chip. They sat in a comfortable silence, legs crossed, a chilly gust of wind billowing through the air. The silence wasn't awkward ── if anything, it gave them a moment to ponder things in their mind. Especially Max, who was reconsidering her vital promise to Lucas back in the arcade yesterday morning, after she was told the almost unbelievable story of the Upside Down. She felt Lucia deserved to know. Right? Perhaps.

Not right now. She could wait it out. Until a better chance arose, Max was going to keep her hard-to-believe secret disclosed.

Screw Lucas. Lucia was part of the group just as much as Max was. Secrets implemented rifts, and she didn't want to see the brunette turn her back on them out of frustration.

"Do you wanna listen to some music?" Lucia inquired suddenly, glancing over at her redheaded friend.

Max nodded, relieved at the distraction, "Sure."

The Delgado used one hand to pry her Walkman out from her camouflage jacket pocket. A pair of headphones dangled from the object, and Lucia offered her friend one of the buds, which was accepted gratefully. She then prodded one of the buttons. Music streamed from the miniature speakers instantaneously, pooling in their ears like wet cement.

Max's brow tightened in curiosity, having recognised the lofty singing voice. She tipped her head to the side, eyes falling upon Lucia's jovial expression. "Hey, what song is this?"

"Leave It Open." she informed. "Kate Bush. She's one of my favourite artists."


"Duh! Her album is amazing."

Max popped her lower lip out over the top, humming lowly. She bopped her head along in time with the music, "I like it."

"That's a given. Kate Bush is magical." Lucia gave a dramatic flair of her arms, waving them out either side of her body as if casting a spell.

She liked the energy radiating from their interaction. It was easy. Nothing was forced, which Lucia felt was an often occurrence whenever she conversed with the boys. She didn't know how to talk to them without having an unwarranted edge to her tone, but with Max Mayfield, everything seemed to come much smoother. Easier. She felt like herself.

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