Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: School days and Warehouse Exploring


In morning at Midoriya's apartment, Izuku was sleeping in Inko's bed. Slowly waking up, he is about to stood up but couldn't. Turns and noticed, face to face a person in bed with him, whose were embracing him quietly resting in peace.

It was Inko whose has returned from her works. Izuku smile and gently careness her cheek, she is waking up of his touches and seeing Izuku.

Izuku: Good morning Inko -said-

Inko: mm good morning~... -sleepy but smile- I was wondering why you're in my bed -not feeling bother-

Izuku: You wouldn't mind I sleep here? -Rubbing her arm- Azumi brought her friend for sleepover -told- If does bother you I could sleep on sofa

Inko: No, It doesn't bother me -sleepily embracing him closer- it feels comfortable

Izuku: Thanks but sorry, I need to get up, I have to make breakfasts and go to schools -getting up-

Inko: ok... -letting go- also I left grocery lists... and some moneys for you to buy -giving requests-

Izuku: Okay Inko -stretch his limbs- rest well -kiss her cheek-

Inko: mhm -went back to sleep-

Izuku leaving her rests in bed, Inko has been working in late at nights and returned home tiredly.

He's exit the room and shutting her door from behind, going to bathrooms to brushes his teeth.

He headed to kitchen start cooking breakfasts. Azumi and Kendo has woken tiredly with messy hair. Sat in seats waiting for food, Izuku served the meals on table and told them go brush their teeth and get changes for schools.

Both nodded and eats breakfast with Izuku.

The girls ate their food and left to brushes teeth, wash face and brush their hair. Izuku picked up dirty plates and washing in sink then placed on drying racks. He left to his room to enter but halted something reminding him the accidents and blushed.

He knocks his door if Kendo in his rooms changing and heard her voice "I'm changing!" Izuku was glad made the right called and spoke "Okay! I'll be waiting outside!"

Waited for couple min till Kendo has come out in school uniforms and left his room with a slight blushed "I'm done". He entered to his wardrobe for clothes and changed into school uniforms and ready to go.

Izuku went to living room picked up the lists that on coffee table along with moneys for grocery duty, He'd take the lists and moneys then headed out to school with girls.

[At school]

Izuku: Well... stay safe girls -walk off- Don't cause trouble or else I'll scold you! -Amusing-

Azumi and Kendo waves and walk off to their own courses.

Kendo: Azumi-chan? -Getting her attention- It is true that Izuku have a hard time for being quirkless? -Said quietly close-

Azumi: -eyes widen- Ho-how did you know? -Whisper in panicking-

Kendo: I asked your brother -answer- calm down, I won't hurt him -calming her friend-

Azumi: I'm sorry... -head down- for not telling you -sadden-

Kendo: Wha, No! -Waving panicking- It not your fault! And I get that you're protecting him

Azumi: So you're not mad? -Rising gaze-

Kendo: -warmly smile- Why would I mad at you? -Place hand on shoulder- we're friend, aren't we?

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