One Shot - Flying Lessons

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Hello everyone!

This is a one shot chapter, it is not a part of the story! I am writing this for @plndc_1, who wanted to see Peter Pan and Wendy in this story. I don't know if other characters will be introduced later or not, but for now, I hope you like this one shot, @plndc_1! :D

This one shot is set in a slightly different universe to the actual story - in it, Jack already has his staff and ability to fly, Hiccup has already found and befriended Toothless, and Peter and Wendy are friends in their flying class at Hogwarts. Just ask if there's any confusion.

"Come on, Wendy, it'll be fun!"

Peter, who had run ahead of Wendy in his excitement, came bounding back towards her, grabbing her hand and pulling her along.

"I don't know, Peter." She said, doubtfully. "I've never really taken to flying. And broomsticks are so uncomfortable to sit on."

"Then don't use a broomstick!" Peter replied.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked. "How am I meant to fly if I don't use a broomstick."

"Well," Peter answered. "That Hiccup kid has his dragon, Jack has his staff-"

"I know," interrupted Wendy.

"-and all we need," Peter went on as if she hadn't spoken, "is a little bit of pixie dust!"

"Pixie dust?" Wendy exclaimed. "Where are we supposed to get pixie dust, Peter?"

"Right here." Peter held up a bottle half-filled with shimmering gold powder and grinned at Wendy.

<some time later>

"Think happy thoughts, Wendy!" Peter encouraged, as he hovered in front of her.

Wendy, frustrated at all her failed attempts at lift off, concentrated harder.

"Alright, I'm ready to try again!" She said, and jumped.

"Come on, come on..." Peter muttered, trying to keep her up in the air through sheer will power.

Wendy opened her eyes and gasped.

"I can fly!" she exclaimed.

"You can fly!" Peter echoed, laughing.

"She can fly?" asked a new voice.

"Jack!" Peter flew over to him. "What d'ya think, hey? No need for any piece of wood when I fly."

"What are you calling a 'piece of wood'?" Jack demanded of his friend, brandishing his staff. "Do you know the amount of power this thing has?"

Peter chuckled and held his hands up in surrender.

"I was just about to take Punzie up," Jack told the pair. "She doesn't like flying alone."

"I can see why." Wendy told him, struggling to right herself after a stray breeze pushed her off balance.

"Ah, sorry, here," Peter flew over and helped her regain control of her flight.

"Where is Punzie, anyway?" Wendy asked, once she felt safe again.

"Hiccup's bringing her and Merida over. Merida wanted to ride Toothless again." Jack explained.

"Head's up!" came Merida's voice, right on cue.

"There they are!" Peter exclaimed as Toothless came in to land.

"How long does it take to fly over, Hiccup?" Jack complained teasingly as the three dismounted.

"Hey, Toothless is a Night Fury, I bet he flies faster than you!" Hiccup replied defensively.

"Oh yeah?" Jack smirked. "Then prove it!"

"Oh no..." Wendy and Rapunzel sighed.

"It's a race!" Merida exclaimed, happily. "Och, you two can join in as well!" She pointed to Peter and Wendy.

<some more time later>

"Alright, so the teams are Wendy and Peter with pixie dust, Jack and Punzie using Jack's staff, and me and Hiccup on Toothless." Merida explained. "The goal is the tree over there, and we'll all start when I say go!"

"That's not fair!" Jack complained. "Then you'll know when you're going to say go."

"No it's not," pointed out Rapunzel, "because Hiccup is the one who actually flys Toothless. Merida just rides him."

"Fair point, fair point," Peter conceded, despite having been completely ready to argue back a few seconds ago.

"Everybody ready?" Asked Merida. "GO!" She yelled without bothering to check.

Toothless shot off into the air, Hiccup wearing a focused grin and Merida laughing at the sheer joy of it.

Jack put his arm round Rapunzel and took off in hot pursuit, Rapunzel cheering him on with excitement in her eyes.

Wendy didn't even have time to express her concern before Peter grabbed her hand and launched them both into air, leaving a trail of sparkling dust behind. Wide eyed with fear, Wendy clutched desperately to Peter's hand, as it was the only solid thing between her and falling. Gradually, hearing Peter's and the other girls' laughter, she began to relax and enjoy the scenery speeding by below them.

"Hey, no fair!" Merida yelled, dodging an ice blast Jack had sent her way.

"Plasma blast, bud," Hiccup patted the side of his dragon's head, and smiled slyly. "Hit Jack."

The plasma blast was right on target, and Jack was only able to avoid being hit by putting on the brakes and dropping out of the way. The few seconds disadvantage for Jack and Rapunzel allowed Wendy and Peter to pull through to second.

"Yahoo!" Peter yelled, punching the air in sheer enjoyment.

Wendy smiled fondly at the boy and laughed softly.

<even more time later>

"I told you Toothless was faster." Hiccup told Jack smugly.

"That was only because he shot a plasma blast at me!" Jack exclaimed.

"Well, you shot ice at me!" Merida rounded on him.

"Punzie, little help here," Jack complained.

"Sorry, Jack," she shrugged, smiling. "Toothless is just a faster flier than you."

"Peter?" Jack asked.

"Nope, sorry Jack, Toothless is way cooler than you are." Peter said, a serious expression on his face. Then he grinned again. "Pun intended."

"Wendy?" Jack pleaded. "Come on, I need some help here. Tell them that my staff is the best way of flying."

Wendy smiled and winked at Peter before answering.

"The best way of flying is with a little bit of pixie dust."

There you go @plndc_1, I really hope you like this! Happy Birthday! :D

(Also, I don't know if the dedication is going to work or not, but this is dedicated to you, @plndc_1)

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