Chapter 3: First Lesson

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The next day Merida ran into her Transfiguration class 10 minutes late.

"Miss DunBroch!" snapped Professor McGonagall. "May I inquire as to the reason for your tardiness?"

"I got lost!" Merida protested. "And something was throwing chairs at me!"

As if summoned by her words, a chair went flying past her ear, missing her by a few millimetres as she jerked her head out of the way.

"PEEVES!" roared McGonagall. "Go and find some other students to terrorise!"

"Shan't!" taunted the poltergeist, floating upside in the air.

McGonagall aimed her wand at him. "I'm warning you Peeves, I will call the Bloody Baron!"

Peeves, blowing a raspberry, floated out of the classroom. McGonagall turned back to her class. "Now, as I was saying, this year we are aiming to encourage inter-House relationships, hence why you are not sitting next to anyone in your own House. Oh, Miss DunBroch, come and sit next to Miss Corona."

Merida hurried over and sat next to Rapunzel. "Hi, Punzie!" she greeted her. Rapunzel waved back.

"We are also setting up inter-House study groups. You will be in groups of four, one from each House, and these are on the back of your timetable. There are two nights a week where you will meet, as a four, during which you can use the time to do as you wish. I suggest you use this as a chance to complete homework."

At this, disbelieving glances were sent round the room.

"And now, on to the lesson. First, we will be turning matches into needles."

Merida frowned slightly. Is this all they were going to teach? Spells that only had a classroom application?

Seeing Merida's frown, McGonagall spoke up again. "And, for the benefit of Miss DunBroch here, I will reiterate the uses of Transfiguration, for example, say you were in a battle, imagine how useful it would be to be able to turn your enemy's sword into a feather?"

Merida, having gained comprehension of how useful Transfiguration could be, couldn't help but feel that the example was tailored specifically to her...but she shook it off and concentrated as McGonagall started explaining the fundamentals of Transfiguration.

Hiccup, on the other hand, arrived 5 minutes early to his potions lesson. A good thing, too, he thought, as he watched another Ravenclaw girl being scolded for arriving two minutes early.

He glanced sideways at Jack, who he had been instructed to sit next to. Jack, looking around with a disinterested expression on his face, caught Hiccup's eye and mouthed 'what?'. Hiccup quickly ducked back under his fringe.

"Potions is an art that requires skill, patience and intelligence...unlike most  of your other classes. I can teach you how to create untold riches, how to give life to dreams...if you aren't the bunch of blithering idiots I usually have to teach. Today, so that I may see which of you could show some natural talent, you will be working on whatever potion you want out of your textbooks. Oh, and as per Dumbledore's orders, you also will be put into groups to encourage inter-House realtionships; these are on the back of your schedules." Professor Snape sneered. "Well? What are you waiting for?"

The class jumped and quickly flipped through textbooks. Hiccup turned to Jack a few mintues later.

"I think we should do-"

"This one." Jack interrupted, thrusting his open book on top of Hiccup's.

"Uh...Ok." Hiccup studied it. " potion. Interesting."

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