Main Character Backgrounds and A/N

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Nyx is the daughter of Sybilla and Allerick Starr from blackstarr pack which is a really ancient pack who have special abilities given by the goddess of the moon herself because one of the founders (Nyx's father) Is the son of the goddess. Because of this Nyx's pack went to war when she was very young sadly, her pack had fallen and died off including her parents. She is now the last and only descendant of the moon goddess and her pack. She lived a harsh life as a rogue running from pack to pack. She kills any pack members that finds her or goes to attack her including other rogues.


Harvey is the son of Lorcan and Zemira Michelle from Gold Heart Pack the strongest pack in their area. Harvey is the next alpha of his pack he is arrogant and doesn't care for anyone but his loved ones. He was raised with the warriors of the pack which he soon joined when he was eligible. He spent most of his time fighting and helping his father. Harvey doesn't care about popularity but can be cocky about his status some times. He joined in with the war against the vampires and killed many. He has killed rogues in the past if they came near his packs borders or they refused to leave.


Rayhan's daughter of Ophelia and Saku Richardsons. She is a delta in the Gold Heart pack. Her family where once rogues until Rayhan's mother asked if they could be in gold heart's pack when she was pregnant with Rayhan and she's lived there ever since.


Celeb the son of Ezekiel and Evelyn Alvarez. Celeb is the beta of Gold Heart pack and beta. Celeb is the best friend of Harvey Michelle. He joined in with Harvey in the war against the vampires protecting him. He lost his mother when he was young and has still kept going for her.


Forrest is the son of Anita and Declen Trezon's and he is the youngest vampiric King to live due to the war between the werewolves. The werewolves killed his family when he was 16 and he has been king ever since. He hates them and wants revenge his life has been lonely as he doesn't have any relatives or relationships to keep him company so he spends his time in the library or sitting on his throne ordering his people around.

(A/n hey guys these characters are not the only characters in this book I just couldn't be bothered to type them all down because I'm rubbish at coming up with names and describing backgrounds from the top of my head I usually just type whatever type of description that fits them as I go along with writing the stories that's usually where all my ideas seem to pop up. Is when I'm writing. Anyway, next chapter will be about what they look like and personality for example: If they have brown or blonde hair or green, blue eyes and if their mean or nice etc. Hopefully you get what I mean. Also, I'll try to update this book as soon as I can as I am also really busy with 3 other stories. 

Anyhow have a great weekend enjoy it and have a good day/night.

Started on 11/06/2022

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