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"No I won't leave you Harv!"

"I can handle this alone have you forgotten who I am?"

Harvey gave in and ran toward celeb who was fighting of swarms of vampires at once.

"Just me and you bud!"

"Like always,"


"Who are you and what are you doing in my territory?"

"That's none of your business daddy's boy,"

I stared him down and he did the same one of us having to give in soon.



"My sweet child how i've seen you grow these last few years,"

First time meeting my grandmother. Fun fact she's the moon goddess! I know the goddess to everyone on this planet she's basically god. I wish I knew sooner.


"Harvey leroy Michelle!!"

"Uh oh full name your're screwed now mate,"

Celeb laughed at me whilst I stayed silent in my chair slightly scared.

"What did you do?!"

"I don't know what did I do?"

Your eyes narrowed and you threw your toothbrush at him hitting him in the head


"Well next time don't go using it to wipe dirt of your shoes, That's the only toothbrush I had which means now I gotta use mouthwash that don't even last all day!!"

He chuckled at you shaking his head slightly getting up and walking to the sink turning it on on and soaking the brush with water then flicking it at you.

"There all clean,"

"You little shit I'll get you for that!"


"Rayy I'm bored wanna go for a run?"

"It's 7:00 am in the freaking morning how are you this energetic,"




"Hello Nyx Starr,"

"Forrest your alive? how?"

"I'm a vampire darling you can't kill me by a measly stab with silver sword," 



"Hey you're that new girl in the pack!"

"I am not the new girl in the pack I'm not even in this bloody pack,"

"Then why are you here?"

"don't know you're precious alpha let me stay,"

"Hm weird...anyway see you in school!"


Before I know it she disappear leaving me in the middle of the street alone.



I walked along the cold sands of the beach crying "Nyx!" that familiar British accent came into ear-range. 

"What do you want Leroy" I said clearly pissed off.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think she'd go that far"

"Well you were clearly wrong"


(A/n prologue is finally done I can now start on chapter 1! So excited have a great day/night!)

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