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TWs- Talks about Death, Corruption, Abuse.


Oscar knew a lot of things. Too many things.

He's knew secrets the actual government wasn't aware of, knew people better than themselves and above all else, knew how to get rid of things once they're past their use.

Unfortunately, many Heroes become useless before they hit forty. Which is a shame. Most humans now live over a hundred, mutations making them far more effective than before.

So, it would make sense for certain Heroes to be considerably old. And there are many who are in their sixties, seventies, eighties and so on.

But the Top Ten, even Top Thirty are full of young adults, usually not even in their thirties. It's an odd thing. And it's no coincidence.

Oscar knows that very well.

You see, the human mind is a fragile and painful thing. A single action can turn the strongest of warriors into a self pity party.

Being in the Top ranks means more missions, more stress, higher expectations, knowing more than you should.

It's a hell for anyone involved.

And by the time they're forty, their minds snap.

It's an unfortunate setback and situation.

And it was a surprise when Olivia Martin snapped in a different way. And much earlier. The woman wasn't even thirty.

It seems the organization should keep its secrets under much tighter wraps.

Would be a shame if he has to kill or imprison another Hero so soon.


"Hello, Martin", Oscar smiled.

The red haired woman glared at him. Her bright red eyes making her much more intimidating than she had any right to be.

She was, after all, cuffed and currently Giftless.

She had no power over him.

He grinned.

"Now, Martin. I only have a few questions. Your interrogations have already proven useless anyways".

"Just ask them already".

Cruz pursued his lips.

"Well, first of all, why exactly did you snap?"

Martin raised a brow. "I'm sick of your bullshit lies and secrets. You've killed literal children for your shitty ass 'peace' ideology. I'm not gonna work for a murderer", she scowled.

Oscar blinked. "Ah, right. I forgot about those kids to be honest. How old were they, again? Ten? Twelve?" He paused.

It was a true shame. He never wanted to take an innocent life...again. But it was necessary.

The kids were a necessary sacrifice.

Save the kids and let the criminals get away?

Or get rid of the kids and the criminals?

It was an easy decision.

Jesse...Jesse had understood his reasons. Of course she did. She's a smart one.

Even if she can't look at him anymore.

Alexander also agreed it was the most practical choice...even if he-

Why can't Martin see that?

"It was necessary. The criminals were a huge threat to our world".

"Please, you're too much of a coward to even say you're in the wrong", she scoffed. "And does the public even know half of the crap you've pulled?"

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