The Trial(SU)

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Steven Universe AU.
In case anyone is confused:

Alexander>Blue Diamond
Jesse>Yellow Diamond
Vander>Pink Diamond
Kalen>Rose Quartz
Evelina>Steven Universe


Evelina took a deep breath, if the Bell's stressed posture was anything to go off on, she was in big trouble. She always knew being Kalen's, especially THE Kalen Ornelas' daughter would bring trouble.

They already think she's in a disguise, please, her dad would be brave in this situation. Not hide in a disguise.

"These reports are ridiculous", she heard Henry, he said his full name was Henry32 Bell, mumble, he had glasses, which she found odd. Gems don't usually need glasses, unless if they're for something else.

Her suspicion was correct when she saw him pull a screen out of them, Gem technology is fascinating.

A door opened from the wall, Henry stiffened and seemingly accepted his fate as they both left the room.

It was a huge, dark room, the only light coming from three diamond shapes from the floor. One being a royal blue, followed by two other diamonds below, a cyan and a purple one, and lastly a pink diamond at the end. They all glowed brighter as two Gems, Stolls, Eve noticed, teleported.

"All rise for Jesse Cruz", one stated, wearing a dark cyan uniform.

"And for Alexander Cruz", the other finished as two, gigantic, Gems appeared.

Eve remembers them, it's impossible not to.

Jesse's red eyes glared at her, her cyan skin, black scleras, light gray hair and pointy ears made her distinguishable among even the weirdest Gems.

Her height helps too.

Alexander's purple eyes centered on her, seemingly uninterested. His white hair fell in-front of his eyes as he looked down.

"Where is Kalen Ornelas?" He asked, his quiet voice still being able to shake Evelina to her core.

"Don't tell me that's him", Jesse snarled.

The other Bell, that Eve had yet to notice, spoke; "This is unfortunately him, mi Cruz, Zane098 Allen captured him after he confessed to being Kalen Ornelas", Bell stated.

"That's pathetic, even for you Ornelas", Jesse said. "We should execute you just for looking like that".

"Jesse", Alexander cut in. "Let's not, we need more details. It's been thousands of years yet we know almost nothing-".

"Alright", Jesse sighed, waving her hand as two thrones appeared, she sat on one. "Let's get it over with", Alexander seemed annoyed yet sat down as well.

"Harry6543 Bell, you shall start", the Bell dressed in a dark cyan uniform smirked yet nodded.

"We have all heard the tales of Kalen Ornelas, an Ornelas soldier gone rogue, started a rebellion and unfortunately shattered Vander Cruz", Evelina winced, she wasn't the only one.

"Various reports state seeing Kalen Ornelas either before or after the shattering. And we have handfuls of reports describing the incident", he paused for a second. "The general conclusion is that Kalen Ornelas, with his sword, managed to get to Vander Cruz and shatter him right outside his palanquin. We all know it's true, due to Kalen Ornelas boasting and bragging about it afterwards".

Evelina stayed silent.

"Not only did he betray and even shatter his own Cruz, but did it to win a war over what? A few pathetic humans?" The Bell continued. "Humans develop slowly, it's taken thousands of years to even develop these so called 'cars' that allow them to travel at an extremely slow pace, their technology is abominable even now, and back then when Kalen first rebelled even more so".

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