Chapter-4 Bounties

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We woke up and heard crumbling. We looked over to the sound as a crystal fell out of the wall. The person inside didn't seem to be fully conscious. So naturally, we helped break it. After we did the person woke up. he was a human of the rouge class, based on his weaponry and clothing. "Chello, vho are vou?"(hello, who are you) I asked the person in front of me. As the human was about to answer SoupCan blurted out "his name is PoopCan," "What no my name is Endma, Endma life," Endma responded. SoupCan thought for a second, "Hmm, nope your SoupCan," he said it with such conviction that we were left unsure. as we were standing the Endma stood up as if in a daze, "my... name is PoopCan." 

Somehow SoupCan convinced all of us, he was called PoopCan. PoopCan came out of his daze, and we told him what we were dealing with. The whole time Rallos was giving Ale a stink eye. it seems like Rallos doesn't like non-human species much. That exact moment Jordan walked in. "what the heck happened here?" Jordan asked staring at the large hole in his wall. I explained to him what had happened. "Ok, well whatever you guys should start your quest, and to do so you're going to have to get clothes to conceal your armor," Jordan explained. "I'll be back soon, you can rest while I'm out," Jordan said as he left. he peaked his head back in "oh and I expect you to pay for damages," he then left

Jordan came back in with a box made of the material known as plastic. "Here, choose something you like," he said setting out some clothes that looked very strange. After looking through the box I choose a hoodie, a jacket-like thing, with a flap that goes on your head like a cloak. I concealed my weapons in my magic dagger bag, which I had gotten from graduation from my warlock school. It was quite funny to see people's expressions as I pulled a great-ax from a dagger bag. They usually would stand shocked by the fact of it. Sure it was no bag of holding but it was still useful, it had a lot of limitations such as only being able to hold weapons and having a lot less space than a bag of holding. I decided to hide Icler in my jacket. she was still a wyrmling so it was sorta easier than I thought it would have been.

 Now with a good disguise, we made a game plan. "We need to attain some of this era's currency. Let's hunt for bounties." Rallos suggested. we all nodded, it would be nice to not be dirt poor. "That would be smart you can start with the tiefling that's been running around giving people trouble. I hear that he has been hanging around the port." Jordan offered. "Zhen Zat vould be a good place zo zart,"(Then that would be a good place to start) I replied. "Let's go!!!" SoupCan said. we all followed him out of the bar as Jordan explained how we would get to the place. "how do I put it in a way that you would understand... oh I know it's a kind of long carriage. we call It a train. it'll take you pretty much anywhere you want to go." Jordan explained. "there it is the long thing on that bridge," Jordan pointed to a strange building which then began to leave. "etz zike a movin buildink, ve're zuppozed zo ride zat?"(it's like a moving building, we're supposed to ride that) I said skeptically. "is it dangerous?" Endma asked. "it's not dangerous people ride all day every day so there's no need to worry," Jordan said to put our fear at ease.

"well I'll see you guys later I guess," Jordan said as he waved goodbye to us. We took the carriage that Jordan had shown us. it was quite busy, it seemed like Jordan was right about the constant use of this strange carriage. It took us to the port where our bounty was said to be. when we walked to the gates we were confronted by two guards. "What is your business? This is a restricted area." guard A said. "Ve ave come zo hunt za bounty,"(We have come to hunt the bounty) I said the others looked at me like I shouldn't have said so. But the guards just nodded, "ok you can go in just stay out of warehouse 4." guard B said. "H'ok, vill zo,"(ok will do) I replied respectfully.

We start our search for the Tiefling. Warehouses 1 and 2  were empty which was discouraging. then, "what if I was to turn into a rat, hmm? I be interested in looking for this criminal. could sneak into warehouse 4. but only after we look at 3 no need to rush." Paperplate spoke up. we agreed it was likely that we could find something in the restricted area. SoupCan decided we needed to distract the guards so he started dancing. It was so bad but he thought it was masterful apparently. The guards got a good laugh out of this. We checked behind stuff splitting up. And so our search of 3 and 4 started.

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