Chapter-7 Final Stand

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After the preparations had finished we stepped out into the main pub. Out of nowhere, a portal appeared on both sides of us one sucked up our new friends, and another spit out our old ones. I stood there confused. "Vhat za heck zust hapvened?"(What the heck just happened) I said bewildered. The others simply stood there confused not that I could blame them I was confused as well.

"Um hi, mateys, what happened to you?" Paper Plate asked. "We don't know can you catch us up?" Endma asked. We nodded and told them about the past 24 hours. it surprisingly didn't take very long. They turned toward Yuro. "Will you really take us to the rebel base?" Ale asked. I then noticed that Rallos wasn't around. Hmm, that's strange, I thought. "Yes come on let's go now before dark," Yuro confirmed. We looked at each other and shrugged, there was no reason not to go right now since our prep had been done.

We went on another train as it's called. It took a while for us to reach our destination but after a bit we made it. We started walking down the street. Ale suddenly looked nervous and looked behind us. "Vhat's vrong?"(What's wrong?) I asked. "I don't know, who or where but someone is following us," Ale whispered. I nodded, "Zuzt zay calm and zon't let zem know ve know."(Just Stay Calm and don't let them know we know) I said. Ale nodded "good idea."

Eventually, we made it to a tunnel. We slowly crept with our backs against the wall the area around looked deserted. "Vhat hapvened here?"(What happened here) I asked Yuro. He shook his head, he didn't know. In the distance, two robots rolled closer scanning the street. As if making sure it stayed empty. "I think I remember hearing something about a curfew in the old towns that must be why they're here," Yuro said.

 Just then SoupCan decided he could not stay quiet anymore. He rushed out and challenged the bots to a dual. So naturally, we had to follow. I stepped out first after telling Yuro to hide. I used Eldritch Blast right away. I called Icler out to use her icy breath. The whole team barraged them in multiple different attacks. The whole time the enemy attacked back equally as quickly which concerned me. I was about to use chill touch when I slipped seeing my weakness the bots took the chance to attack. 

Three bolts charged toward me time slowed. Icler was trying to fly in the way of the beams, but she wasn't fast enough. I'm so dead, I thought as the beams closed in. The first one hit about 6 inches from my heart. The second about 3, then the last hit me dead, bulls-eye, in the middle of my heart. My body started to disintegrate as I fell. I looked over to my comrades who I had failed.

my last words were, "Bye guys.", Then Icler curled up on my chest and together we disintegrated. As I died I heard cold laughter, "well now looks like you were saved only to die the same day, what a pitiful hero!", the voice of death said. Then everything went dark and I was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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