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Hey guys! First fan-fiction, super excited to share! This first part is short but future ones will be longer. The book will change perspectives, and is mainly based around Charlie and Nick though other characters will appear. No spoilers! Hope you enjoy!

Xx -Am

"Hi" was the first thing Charlie said to me as he entered the hospital room. I chuckled at the irony, having said that to him only moments before the accident. The laugh hurts my side, and I rest a hand on my broken ribs.

"How are you?" He asks concerned, I hate that I worry him. He shouldn't be worried, he should be angry.

"Good," I chuckle again. "Same as I was the last ten times you checked on me,"

"Oh," He says embarrassed, an adorable expression plastered on his face. "Well, do you have enough blankets?" He starts, walking over to the other side of the bed. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yes," I say, still smiling at him. "I'm fine Charlie,"

"But what if I," He begins before forcing his hands under my thigh, to shimmy the blanket tighter.

"Are you tucking me in right now?"

"Maybe," With a playful jab under the covers, Charlie laughs.

"Oi! Quit it!"

Charlie laughs once more before finally saying, "Alright," And taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "So about-" He tries before Nick cuts him off.

"No, no, I need to go first,"

"But you're in here because of me,"

"Don't you dare say that, you're not allowed, this wasn't your fault,"

"I thought I wasn't allowed to say the s word?" Charlie asks playfully.

"That too, smartarse,"

Charlie sighs, "I wish I would've trusted you."

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