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I text Charlie that I made it to his house, and stroll up to the front door. Memories of when I'd last been here flood my mind, had it really been over a week since I'd been over?

An evening chill pricks my skin, the fuchsia-colored sky helping to calm my nerves, something about sunsets always makes me smile—the beauty in something ending, a bitter kind of sweetness. Spring is still early so the sun still sets before dinner, we'll be lucky if we're not golfing in the dark.

I make my way over to the porch, the squelching of dewy grass beneath my feet. Hesitantly, I ring the doorbell. Hands in my pockets I anxiously rock back and forth.


I head downstairs, peering out the curtains and onto the porch. There he is, his blonde hair flopping in his face, as he stares head down at the pavement, hands in his pockets like they always were when he was nervous. I slip on my favorite pair of converse, opening the door wide.

"Hi," I say, as we lock eyes.

"Hi," He smiles.

"Ready to go?" I nod, full-heartedly. Stepping through the entrance, I shut the door behind me. Looking back at me as we step off the porch, I'm tempted to grab his hand.

Walking over to the passenger side, he holds my door open. A warmth erupts in my stomach as I thank him and take a seat.

The drive there is quiet, he points out pretty landmarks till we get there.

"Hey, guys!" Isaac booms as we step out. They're all standing in front of the booth. Tao seems to be trying to flirt his way to a free golf club, as Elle eyes him disapprovingly. Tara and Darcy are acting adorable as usual, the casual display of affection hurting my heart a little. I itch for Nick's hand instinctively, recoiling as we get closer to the group. The last thing I want is to make him uncomfortable.

"Please," Tao begs. "Three balls? Two clubs, and we'll share them. Deal or no deal?"

"Tao now you're embarrassing all of us," Darcy says shaking her head.

"I can pay," Nick chirps up.

"You're sure?" Isaac asks.

"Yeah I got it," He says, stepping forward. "But ice cream later is on you," He jokes.

We walk over to the green, the plain completely empty.

"Whole place to ourselves!" Tao whoops.

"I'm starting," Isaac declares, setting up his ball, "'cause these two are too good," He says, pointing to Nick and me.

"What?" I say, feigning surprise.

"Oh you know you're that good," Nick teases.

"I just play more than you guys,"

"No amount of practice is going to save this," Darcy laughs, missing the ball narrowly.

"Oi, you're not even trying," Tara jokes. Darcy shoots her a grumpy look.

"Okay, okay," I say, positioning myself, "Let the master do his work,"

Shooting it under the bridge, it picks up enough speed down the hill to pop up and into the hole in one shot.

"Told you he was that good," Nick says proudly, arms crossed, his back to a tree.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumble. He ruffles my hair.

"Charlie's good at everything," He chants.

"Am not,"

"Are too,"

We bicker back and forth all the way to the next hole. It reminds me of the first time we hung out, when I beat him in Mario kart, and instead of getting annoyed he praised me for all the things I loved. Oh, to be back in that moment again.

The next few holes are increasingly tricky, purple lights light the grass, catching on all of the twists and turns. Tao keeps score as we finish each hole, groaning, and grumbling at everyone he loses. Several missing balls later, the game was finished.

"Few," Isaac sighs, "That was chaotic," He says as we all take a seat.

"Don't even bother tallying up the points for Mr. Expert," Elle jokes, "He's obviously the winner,"

"Nah," Nick says, hooking an arm around my shoulder, "I think I gave him a run for his money,"

"You wish," I say, playfully shoving him off.

"Hey!" He barks, putting me into a headlock.

"Quit it!" I holler. "Oi!" I struggle, "Get off!"

Wiggling an arm free, I jab him in the side. He grunts. I tickle him further, knocking him onto his back. Till he's laughing so hard he can barely breathe.

"Okay, okay," He says through laughs. "I concede,"

"You guys done?" Tara asks cheekily.

"Oh," Nick says clearing his throat, "Yeah,"

"And the winner is," Tara pauses, "Drum roll please,"

"Charlie!" Darcy announces proudly. I smile looking around at my friends. Tao is busy huffing in a corner.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you did great too," I say encouragingly, looking at the score sheet. "You beat Elle," I congratulate.

"Don't let yourself get a big head just cause you didn't get dead last," Elle jokes. We all laugh warmly.

"So," Isaac starts, "Ice cream?"

"Yes, thousand times yes,"

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